As you know, TFVC is focused on action and empowering our supporters with information that helps you advocate for yourself and family. With that in mind, today we bring you TWO ways you can get informed and get involved:
If you have students in public or charter schools in Texas, state law allows for you to opt them out of any teaching topic that violates your personal convictions or beliefs. The only action you have to take to exercise this right is for you to provide the school with written advanced notice that you desire your students to be opted out.
How does this involve vaccines?
There are currently several vaccine-related teaching topics required by Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for grades K, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and high school. If you desire to opt your students out of any of these vaccine-related TEKS, we invite you to fill out this linked form and turn it into your students’ school.
Every school district in Texas is required by law to have a School Health Advisory Council, or SHAC which must consist of at least 50% parents of current students. The SHAC assists the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the health education program and addressing the continued implementation of a coordinated health program. This includes health education, physical education, health services, nutrition services, counseling, healthy school environment, staff health promotion and family/community involvement. Every SHAC meets at least 4 times during the school year.
If you are interested in serving on your school district’s SHAC, please visit your district’s website. SHAC information is typically available under the “Health Services” department section. From there, we invite you to email the SHAC Facilitator to inquire about any vacancies and the application process. Please email Rebecca if you end up joining your school district’s SHAC, and we can connect you to some valuable resources to help you make the most of your experience.