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Rep. Donna Howard is targeting vulnerable college students with HB 989. During this bill’s hearing, Rep. Howard stated that the bill would require the state to promote increased Gardasil immunization as a means to prevent HPV and cancer on college campuses though this text is not in the bill. If this bill passes, your college students will be inundated with state-funded, predatory marketing campaigns promoting Gardasil, and we have had no reliable assurances that an HPV vaccine mandate will not be considered as part of a statewide strategy to lower HPV rates among young men and women.

Email and Call YOUR State Representative*
Use our public House Directory to find contact info for your State Representative. 


Dear Representative,

I am writing to you today to ask you to please vote “no” on HB 989 that is up for a vote in the full House Wednesday, May 10.

This bill would use our state resources to market an unproven and unpopular pharmaceutical product to Texas college students.

Thank you,

*Not sure who your State Representative is?

Click here, enter your address, and look for:
“Representative [Name]
Texas House District [Number]”
Your State Rep should be the second name on the list of results.
Then use the linked directory to call and email.




  1. I have called and made our voice heard that we do Not support this. I want to Thank you for always providing us with information and resources and sample emails etc for us to make our voice heard. It’s extremely helpful!!

  2. Come on, Texas…you’re better than this! Do your homework on the adverse reactions to this vaccine.

  3. Susanne Salas

    Email to House Rep. Lacey Hull
    Dear Lacey,

    I am one of your constituents in #138 and HCRP precinct chair #1036.

    I am asking you to vote „NO“ on HB 989 that is up for a vote in the full House tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10.

    The 989 House bill would use our state resources (tax payer money) to market an unproven, unpopular and controversial pharmaceutical product with a questionable safety profile to our college students.

    Tax payer funds should NOT be used to do the bidding of big pharma.
    Pharma companies should pay themselves to promote their products to and convince health care providers.

    To push these pharmaceuticals with advertisements and with campus campaigns on young uninformed college students with tax payer money is immoral.

    I am asking you to hold up our Republican values by voting „No“ on HB 989.

    Thank you and God bless,

  4. There are 1000s of assurances that Gardasil does not work! It is another Big Pharma product which is falsely, criminally, marketed as a vaccine. No ‘vaccine’ prevents cervical cancer. Gardasil is known to cause cancer. Plus infertility and sterility and paralysis etc etc etc etc. No vaccine prevents anything! ZERO vaccines have ever been proven safe or effective. ZERO. EVER.

  5. My daughter was left with an autoimmune disease after the Gardasil vaccination. I have watched her suffer for 10 years. They know that it is dangerous but keep pushing it. If I only knew then what I know now. This vaccine should be outlawed and big pharma sued

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