The medical liberty group that actually fights for your family.
At TFVC, we’re not just advocates; we’re your dedicated defenders in the fight for medical freedom, ensuring every family has the power to make informed choices about vaccines and privacy.

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2025 Legislative Priorities
Ban All Vaccine Mandates
Ensure every Texan has the right to make informed decisions for themselves and their families without government intrusion.
Protect Patient Rights
Safeguard autonomy over personal health decisions, ensuring every patient’s freedom and right to make informed medical choices.
Reject Coerced Procedures
Advocate for uncoerced health choices, defending the dignity of personal choice against any form of medical coercion or undue influence.
Prohibit Vaccine Discrimination
Ensure no Texan is denied rights, or services based on vaccination status, protecting personal choices from fear of legal repercussions.

the Mission
To protect and advance informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice through influential public policy, quality educational resources, and training an engaged and connected community.

the tfvc difference
Your Support Matters
• Expand our outreach, ensuring every Texan knows their rights
• Strengthen our advocacy efforts to enact and preserve laws that respect vaccine choice
• Equip our volunteers with the tools they need to educate and advocate effectively across Texas
 The road ahead is not without challenges, but together, we can continue to champion the cause of medical freedom in Texas.Shot Callers Podcast
Listen each week as we shed light on critical issues surrounding vaccine choice, featuring insightful discussions with leading voices in health, law, and activism.