What are the important dates for the 2018 Primary Election?
Last day to register to vote in May 22nd Primary Runoffs: Monday, April 23
Early voting: Monday, May 14 – Friday, May 18
Primary Election Day: Tuesday, May 22
*TFVC Endorsed Runoff Candidate Jill Wolfskill’s (HD 13) Special Election: May 5*
Who can vote in the runoffs for our endorsed candidates?
All registered voters can vote in the run-off! (The only exception being if you voted in a non-Republican Primary on March 6.) You can vote in the runoffs even if you did not participate in the Primary Election on March 6th. If you are not registered to vote, you have until April 23 to register to vote in the runoff, so don’t delay!
How do I know if I am registered to vote?
If you can’t remember if you are already registered to vote, use the Am I Registered? website to confirm. All you need is a Texas Driver’s license to get started.
How do I register to vote?
You can register in person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. You can also register by mail by obtaining an application from your county Voter Registrar’s office or pick up applications at libraries, government offices, or high schools. The last day to register to vote in the May 22nd Primary is April 23rd.
How do I find my polling location?
Early Voting: Registered voters may vote at ANY early voting location located within your county of residence.
Election Day: On Election Day, you can vote ONLY at your assigned voting precinct. Please see this site for information on your specific precinct.
What is a runoff election?
In a primary election, any race where one candidate did not receive 50% (plus one) of the total votes heads to a runoff. The two candidates who received the most votes in that race compete in the runoff election. The winner of the runoff appears on the General Election ballot in November.
Who are the TFVC Endorsed Candidates for Primary Runoffs?
Jill Wolfskill (HD 13: La Grange, Bellville)
Dr. Stuart Spitzer (HD 4: Terrell/Kaufman)
Matt Beebe (HD 121: San Antonio)
Brent Lawson (HD 62: Sherman)
Thomas McNutt (HD 8: Corsicana/Fairfield)
Deanna Metzger (HD 107: Mesquite)
How do I know if I live in a district with a TFVC Endorsed Runoff Candidate on the ballot?
Visit http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us and enter your address. You will find your state representative and your House District number under “Texas State Representative”. Compare your House District number to the House District numbers of our Endorsed Runoff Candidates to see if you will have a candidate from our All Star Lineup on your ballot!
I know voting is extremely important, but what other ways can I help our All Stars win the game? Can I help even if I don’t live in an All Star’s district?
YES! We have numerous volunteer opportunities for you to get on the team and help secure wins for these candidates who have proven they understand the importance of protecting and advancing informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice. From block walking, to phone banking, to helping with mailers, to poll greeting, we’ve got a place for you on the team! Contact any of the Team Captains below to find out how you can get in the game!
Stefani Caruso, Team Wolfskill: [email protected]
Lacey Lowry, Team Spitzer: [email protected]
Laura Cardona and Stacie Matson, Team Beebe (San Antonio) [email protected]
Rebecca Meals, Team Lawson: [email protected]
Karen Starnes, Team McNutt (Corsicana, Fairfield) [email protected]
Deanne Cox, Team Metzger: [email protected]
As a democrat, it saddens me that there are no democratic candidates to endorse by TFVC. We have to work harder to make vaccine choice a bipartisan issue. By threatening to leave the democratic party due to becoming a one issue voter may be effective.