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Protecting Your Right to Choose

Advances in modern medicine, including vaccines, have touched the life of nearly every person on the planet. Communicable diseases have had a tremendous impact on human history. While vaccines have received the credit for reducing the threat of communicable disease, they, like all medical interventions, carry a risk of injury. Texans for Vaccine Choice exists to protect and advance informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice.


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From the capitol in Austin to your own community, TFVC wants to empower you to maximize your advocacy efforts!!

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Recent Posts

Harvard Professor Calls for More Attention to Vaccine-Related Injuries

A Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health professor who assisted in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine appeared on the STAT News’ First Opinion podcast and stated that individuals suffering from vaccine-related injuries should receive more attention and empathy. While discussing an article that she originally penned on June 11th, Kizzmekia Corbett-Helaire reasserted her

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Want an Exemption for Your Kids? Here’s How to Request One!

Parents. Call. The. Shots.  With back-to-school just around the corner, the most important thing you can do as a parent is  make sure the vaccination decisions you make for your child are heard and respected. Despite the “No Shots! No School! It’s the law!” campaigns coming from your daycare and school district, Texas students are

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Where Does Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Stand on Vaccine Choice?

Vice President Kamala Harris is the presumptive Democratic nominee and has begun her campaign in full force. With less than four months until the Presidential election, where she will face up against President Donald Trump, she will have to convince voters to support her policy positions within a highly limited time frame.  So where does

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Trump Chose JD Vance as VP. Where Does He Stand On Vaccine Choice?

President Donald Trump finally announced his pick for Vice President on Truth Social. JD Vance, a freshman Senator from Ohio, was named by Trump as his running mate, with the former president touting Vance’s record in DC, as well as his humble upbringing and military accomplishments. The first millennial VP pick touts a resoundingly pro-medical

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