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This Primary election season, TFVC has enjoyed unprecedented victories up and down the ballot and across the Lone Star State. So many of our vetted and recommended candidates, in every type of race from Judicial to State Rep to Precinct Chair have won their elections. Never before have we seen so many underwhelming legislative incumbents ousted by medical liberty supporters ready to fight for our cause! This bodes well for our issue as we head toward the General Elections in November and the 89th Legislative Session in 2025.

Boots on the ground, grassroots action is what carried our recommended candidates to victory in the primaries and runoffs, but our work isn’t finished. We have the General election in November to look forward to.

Whether it’s making phone calls from home, blockwalking with friends or spreading the word via social media, your efforts make a difference! Together we can win these crucial elections and be set for success in the 2025 Legislative Session. 

Join us in telling the pharmaceutical industry and lobbyists, “Come and Make Me!”

Help us to help Texas lead the nation in banning ALL vaccine mandates, protecting medical privacy and providing informed consent by signing up below to be matched with a TFVC-recommended candidate in your area.

Texas House Victories
Federal Elections
Statewide Judicial
Local Elections
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