88th Session Bill Lists

Special Session (3) Bill List – Session Starting on October 9, 2023

Bills We Support

SB 13 (Sen. Middleton), HB 16 (Rep. Harrison) , HB 65 (Rep. Vasut), HB 84 (Rep. Cain), HB 88 (Rep. Leo-Wilson), HB 91 (Rep. Spiller)
Protects all Texans from Covid vaccine mandates by providing for informed consent

SB 7 (Sen. Middleton)
Ends private employer Covid vaccine mandates

SB 41 (Sen. Hall)
Protects Texans from discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status


Regular Session Bill List

Below you will find THREE bill lists: Bills We Support, Bills We Oppose, and Bills We Are Watching. Bills on our watch list could later move to our support or oppose lists depending on any amendments that are made during the legislative process.

You can click on the bill numbers to read the text of the bill and check its progress.

Make sure you have signed up for our email list so you know when we issue Action Alerts related to any of the following bills.

Bills We Support

HB 44 (Rep. Swanson) and companion SB 303 (Sen. Hall)
Protects Medicaid patients from discrimination by state-funded doctors based on vaccination status
2/15 Update: SB 303 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
2/23 Update: HB 44 referred to the House Committee on Public Health
3/15 Update: HB 44 scheduled for public hearing on Monday, March 20 at 8am. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here
3/20 Update: HB 44 heard and left pending in House Committee on Public Health
4/3 Update: HB 44 voted 7-3 favorably out of House Committee on Public Health
4/6 Update: HB 44 received by the Calendars Committee
4/19 Update: HB 44 voted favorably out of Calendars Committee
4/24 Update: HB 44 placed on General State Calendar
4/24 Update: HB 44 voted favorably on second reading in the House
4/25 Update: HB 44 voted favorably on third reading in the House
4/26 Update: HB 44 received by the Senate; referred to Health and Human Services
5/10 Update: HB 44 heard and left pending in Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
5/17 Update: HB 44 voted favorably out of Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
5/24 Update: HB 44 voted favorably out of full Senate
6/12 Update: HB 44 SIGNED BY GOVERNOR!!!

HB 81 (Rep. Harrison) and companion SB 177 (Sen. Middleton)
Protects all Texans from Covid vaccine mandates by providing for informed consent
2/15 Update: SB 177 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
2/23 Update: HB 81 referred to the House Committee on Public Health
3/15 Update: HB 81 scheduled for public hearing on Monday, March 20 at 8am. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here
3/20 Update: SB 177 scheduled for public hearing on March 22 at 8:30 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here.
3/20 Update: HB 81 heard and left pending in House Committee on Public Health
4/5 Update: SB 177 voted favorably out of Committee
4/12 Update: SB 177 placed on the Senate Intent Calendar for 4/13
4/17 Update: HB 81 voted favorably out of Committee
4/17 Update: SB 177 voted favorably in full Senate on second reading
4/18 Update: SB 177 voted favorably in full Senate on third reading; reported engrossed; sent to the House
4/24 Update: SB 177 referred the House Public Health Committee
5/8 Update: SB 177 voted favorably out of House Committee on Public Health
5/23 Update: SB 177 placed on General State Calendar

HB 138 (Rep. Toth)
Prohibits private businesses from requiring employees’ medical records or health information
2/23 Update: HB 138 referred to the House Committee on International Relations and Economic Development

HB 154 (Rep. Schaefer)
Prohibits the Governor from requiring Texans to wear face masks or other personal protective equipment
2/23 Update: HB 154 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 280 (Rep. Toth)
Requires health care providers to report any potential vaccine-related injury to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
2/23 Update: HB 280 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 609 (Rep. Vasut)
Protects business owners from liability arising from the exposure of an individual to a pandemic disease
2/23 Update: HB 609 referred to the House Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
3/3 Update: HB 609 scheduled for public hearing on Wednesday, March 8 at 8 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here.
3/8 Update: HB 609 left pending in committee following public testimony
3/15 Update: HB 609 voted favorably out of committee
3/28 Update: HB 609 sent to Calendars Committee
4/19 Update: HB 609 considered in Calendars Committee
4/24 Update: HB 609 placed on General State Calendar
4/24 Update: HB 609 voted favorably on second reading in the House
4/25 Update: HB 609 voted favorably on third reading in the House
4/26 Update: HB 609 received by the Senate; referred to State Affairs
5/4 Update: HB 609 heard and voted favorably out of Senate Committee on State Affairs
5/11 Update: HB 609 voted favorably out of full Senate
5/24 Update: HB 609 SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR!!

HB 777 (Rep. Vasut et al)
Prohibits school districts from requiring student COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery status and from mandating masks
2/28 Update: HB 777 referred to the House Committee on Public Education

HB 807 (Rep. Harrison et al)
Requires any changes to school vaccine recommendations to be done by statute only
3/3 Update: HB 807 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 1015 (Rep. Vasut et al)
Prohibits businesses that implement COVID-19 vaccination requirements from receiving any state money
3/3 Update: HB 1015 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 1032 (Rep. Noble)
Prohibits vaccination status discrimination and requirements for COVID-19 vaccines
3/3 Update: HB 1032 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 1313 (Rep. Burrows et al) and companion SB 403 (Sen. Springer)
Commissions the Department of State Health Services to study the short- and long-term side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine
2/15 Update: SB 403 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/3 Update: HB 1313 referred to the House Committee on Public Health
3/15 Update: HB 1313 scheduled for public hearing on March 20 at 8 a.m.
3/20 Update: HB 1313 heard and left pending in House Committee on Public Health
3/20 Update: SB 403 scheduled for public hearing on March 22 at 8:30 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here.
3/22 Update: HB 1313 heard and left pending in the House Committee on Public Health
4/18 Update: SB 403 voted favorably out of Committee and recommended for Senate Local and Uncontested Calendar
4/27 Update: SB 403 on Senate Local and Uncontested Calendar; voted favorably out of full Senate
4/28 Update: SB 403 referred to House Committee on Public Health
5/18 Update: SB 403 voted favorably out of House Committee on Public Health

HB 1419 (Rep. Cain)
Closes loophole that allowed for denials of religious vaccine exemptions during declared emergencies or disasters
3/3 Update: HB 1419 referred to the House Committee on Higher Education

HB 1948 (Rep. Harrison)
Requires that any state agency rule or regulation be approved by the Governor or highest agency elected official
3/8 Update: HB 1948 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 3151 (Rep. Schatzline)
Prevents healthcare practitioners from denying treatments or services based on patient’s vaccination status
3/15 Update: HB 3151 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 3475 (Rep. Leach)
Allows most employees in Texas to claim exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine mandates for medical reasons, reasons of conscience, or due to acquired immunity
3/16 Update: HB 3475 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 3538 (Rep. Troxclair) and SB 175 (Sen. Middleton)
Ends taxpayer funding of lobbyist groups
2/15 Update: SB 175 referred to the Senate Committee on State Affairs
3/13 Update: SB 175 scheduled for a hearing on 3/16/23
3/16 Update: SB 175 heard and left pending in Committee
3/16 Update: HB 3538 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs
3/21 Update: SB 175 voted favorably out of Committee
4/6 Update: SB 175 passed in Senate
4/13 Update: SB 175 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 3719 (Rep. Lozano)
Prohibits government entities from enforcing a masking mandate in response to COVID-19; exceptions for hospitals and state-supported living centers
3/20 Update: HB 3719 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 3720 (Rep. Lozano)
Prevents school closures or cancellation of school activities in response to COVID-19
3/20 Update: HB 3720 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 3721 (Rep. Lozano)
Prevents governments to mandate the COVID-19; exception for state-run healthcare facilities
3/20 Update: HB 3721 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 4174 (Rep. Hefner) and SB 493 (Sen. Hughes)
Veterans in the state who have been discharged solely based on COVID-19 vaccine refusal will be consider honorably discharged for the purposes of state benefits
2/17 Update: SB 493 referred to Senate Commitee on Veterans’ Affairs
3/21 Update: HB 4174 referred to the House Committee on Defense and Veterans’ Affairs
3/21 Update: SB 493 heard in and voted favorably out of Committee

3/28 Update: SB 493 voted favorably out of the full Senate (28-2-1)
3/29 Update: SB 493 received by the House from the Senate
4/10 Update: SB 493 referred to House Committee on Defense and Veterans’ Affairs
4/13 Update: HB 4174 heard in House Committee on Defense and Veterans’ Affairs and left pending. See TFVC’s Action Alert here
4/27 Update: HB 4174 and SB 493 both voted favorably out of House Committee on Defense and Veterans’ Affairs
5/22 Update: SB 493 voted favorably out of the full House

HB 4350 (Rep. Harrison)
Any healthcare provider who discriminates against patients based on COVID-19 vaccination status risks having their licensed to practice revoked by the Texas Medical Board
3/21 Update: HB 4350 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 4589 (Rep. Vasut)
Restricts the use of digital IDs to prohibit their use to access medical or health records
3/22 Update: HB 4589 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 4730 (Rep. Tinderholt)
Prohibits the disclosure of vaccination history by government health authorities
3/22 Update: HB 4730 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 4731 (Rep. Tinderholt)
Allows Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to sign medical exemption affidavits
3/22 Update: HB 4731 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 4841 (Rep. Hunter)
Prohibits COVID-19 government mandates for vaccines, masking and business/school closures, with exceptions for state-funded living centers, state-funded hospitals and jails
3/23 Update: HB 4841 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

SB 29 (Sen. Birdwell et al) and HB 5027 (Rep. Toth)
Lt Gov Dan Patrick’s priority legislation to ban government COVID-19 mask, vaccine and closure mandates
3/9 Update: SB 29 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs
3/20 Update: SB 29 heard in Senate Committee on State Affairs and voted favorably (7-3) out
3/23 Update: HB 5027 referred to House Committee on State Affairs
4/3 Update: SB 29 passed in Senate (19-11-1)
4/13 Update: SB 29 referred to House Committee on State Affairs
5/10 Update: SB 29 heard and left pending in House Committee on State Affairs
5/17 Update: SB 29 voted favorably out of House Committee on State Affairs
5/23 Update: SB 29 voted favorably out of full House

SB 265 (Sen. Perry et. al)
Requires reports of injuries and adverse events from experimental or investigational vaccines and drugs
2/15 Update: SB 265 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/20 Update: SB 265 scheduled for public hearing on March 22 at 8:30 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here
3/22 Update: SB 265 heard and left pending in committee
4/12: Update: SB 265 voted favorably out of committee
4/20 Update: SB 265 voted favorably out of the Senate; sent to House
4/28 Update: SB 265 referred to House Committee on Public Health

SB 297 (Sen. Hall)
Requires hospitals to adopt a written policy on patients’ rights, including the right to accept or refuse treatment and the right to informed consent
2/15 Update: SB 297 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 298 (Sen. Hall)
Requires full informed consent for vaccines administered to a child and holds providers accountable if they fail to obtain consent
2/15 Update: SB 298 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 301 (Sen. Hall)
Prohibits healthcare providers and pharmacists from being subject to disciplinary action for providing Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, also prohibits pharmacists from disputing the efficacy of those treatments when prescribed by a healthcare provider
2/15 Update: SB 301 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/20 Update: SB 301 scheduled for public hearing on March 22 at 8:30 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here
3/22 Update: SB 301 heard and left pending in committee
4/5 Update: SB 301 voted favorably out of Committee
4/20 Update: SB 301 voted favorably out of the Senate; sent to the House
4/28 Update: SB 301 referred to House Committee on Public Health

SB 302 (Sen. Hall)
Holds employers civilly liable for adverse reactions resulting from a mandated vaccination
2/15 Update: SB 302 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 304 (Sen. Hall)
Prohibits businesses, including insurance companies and long-term care facilities, from discriminating based on vaccination status
2/15 Update: SB 304 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 305 (Sen. Hall)
Requires vaccine administrators to provide full information regarding each vaccine (including ingredients and risks) and to document any and all adverse events; protects healthcare providers who sign medical exemptions
2/15 Update: SB 305 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 306 (Sen. Hall)
Allows individuals to choose medical treatments and control measures implemented during an isolation period or quarantine order
2/15 Update: SB 306 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 307 (Sen. Hall)
Government agencies in Texas may not enforce federal orders that contradict with or do not exist within state law
2/15 Update: SB 307 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 308 (Sen. Hall)
Protects Texans from discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status
2/15 Update: SB 308 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 309 (Sen. Hall)
Requires the state health department to create a printable brochure with alternative COVID-19 interventions, which practitioners must then provide to patients when administering a COVID-19 viral test
2/15 Update: SB 309 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 314 (Sen. Hall)
Any food, medical or cosmetic product sold in Texas that is manufactured with or derived from human fetal tissue must be clearly and conspicuously labeled as such
2/15 Update: SB 314 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 390 (Sen. Hall)
Repeals the current statute which excludes exempted students from school during an outbreak or epidemic
2/15 Update: SB 390 referred to Senate Committee on Education

SB 394 (Sen. Hall)
Entitles parents to access all written and electronic health and immunization records for their student
2/15 Update: SB 390 referred to Senate Committee on Education

SB 426 (Sen. Paxton)
Allows patients to treat COVID infection with off-label treatments and prevents the Texas Medical Board from punishing practitioners who prescribe such treatments
2/15 Update: SB 426 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/20 Update: SB 426 scheduled for public hearing on March 22 at 8:30 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here
3/22 Update: SB 426 heard and left pending in committee
3/31 Update: SB 426 voted favorably out of committee
4/5 Update: SB 426 voted favorably out of the Senate; sent to House
4/17 Update: SB 426 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

SB 514 (Sen. Hall)
Ends all Texas Medical Board investigations of practitioners who spoke out against masking or recommended alternative COVID treatments, expunges records and reimburses fees
2/17 Update: SB 514 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 626 (Sen. Hall)
Requires schools to admit children whose parents show proof that they have requested an exemption from the Department of State Health Services
2/17 Update: SB 626 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 1025 (Sen. Kolkhorst)
Clearly spells out which vaccines may be required for primary and secondary students instead of using generic terminology (ie, vaccine-preventable diseases), preventing the Department of State Health Services or political subdivisions from adding requirements without legislative action; establishes a state-run VAERS program; further restricts the use of vaccine “passports”
3/3 Update: SB 1025 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 1026 (Sen. Kolkhorst)
Prohibits any entity from discriminating against someone based on COVID-19 vaccination status
3/3 Update: SB 1026 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 1177 (Sen. Hall)
Specifies which vaccines may be “required” for public school and removes the ability for DSHS to add or recommend others
3/9 Update: SB 1177 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 2086 (Sen. Kolkhorst)
Prevents the collecting, testing, modification or altering of your DNA without your written consent
3/21 Update: SB 2086 referred to Senate Committee on Health & Human Services
4/26 Update: SB 2086 scheduled for public hearing
5/3 Update: SB 2086 voted favorably out of Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
5/17 Update: SB 2086 voted favorably out of full Senate; referred to House Committee on Business and Industry

HJR 58 (Rep. Frank), HJR 85 (Rep. Burrows) and companion SJR 70 (Sen. Hughes)
Proposes a constitutional amendment protecting the fundamental right of parents to raise their children
2/28 Update: HJR 58 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs
3/3 Update: HJR 85 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs
3/16 Update: SJR 70 referred to the Senate Committee on State Affairs
4/3 Update: SJR 70 heard and left pending in Senate Committee on State Affairs
4/6 Update: SJR 70 voted favorably out of Committee
4/19 Update: SJR 70 voted favorably out of the Senate; sent to House
4/28 Update: SJR 70 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HJR 114 (Rep. Toth) and companion SJR 84 (Sen. Hall)
Proposes a constitutional amendment to recognize the right of Texans to decline vaccination
3/13 Update: HJR 114 referred to House Committee on State Affairs
3/22 Update: SJR 84 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

HCR 76 (Rep. Toth)
Urges the US Congress to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gives vaccine manufacturers immunity from liability for harm
3/13 Update: HCR 76 referred to House Committee on Public Health

SJR 66 (Sen. Hall)
Proposes a constitutional amendment to recognize the right of Texans to refuse medical treatment without restriction
3/9 Update; SJR 66 referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
4/26 Update: SJR 66 heard and left pending in Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

Bills We Oppose

HB 172 (Rep. Howard) and companion SB 342 (Sen. Zaffirini et al)
Removes current protection for informed consent before information is put into the vaccine registry
2/15 Update: SB 342 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
2/23 Update: HB 172 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 518 (Rep. Wu), duplicate HB 4001 (Rep. Lalani) and companion SB 77 (Sen. Johnson)
Allows child care facilities to release immunization rates of enrolled children and adult employees
2/15 Update: SB 77 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
2/23 Update: HB 518 referred to the House Committee on Human Services
3/20 Update: HB 4001 referred to House Committee on Human Services

HB 989 (Rep. Howard) and companion SB 2241 (Sen. LaMantia)
Establishes a state plan for preventing and treating human papillomavirus among college students
3/3 Update: HB 989 referred to the House Committee on Higher Education
3/22 Update: SB 2241 referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/23 Update: HB 989 scheduled for public hearing on 3/27, see action alert here
3/27 Update: HB 989 heard and left pending in committee
4/13 Update: HB 989 voted favorably and unanimously out of committee
4/20 Update: HB 989 received in Calendars Committee
5/10 Update: HB 989 placed on General State Calendar 

HB 1063 (Rep. Guerra)
Expands the state health department’s requirements to report disaggregated data about immunization uptake during a declared state of disaster
3/3 Update: HB 1063 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 1105 (Rep. Price) and companion SB 749 (Sen. Flores et al)
Gives pharmacists and pharmacy technicians the authority to order and administer immunizations and extends the time frame to notify the patient’s physician of vaccination administration from 24 hours to two weeks
3/3 Update: HB 1105 referred to the House Committee on Public Health
3/1 Update:SB 749 referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
4/12 Update: HB 1105 scheduled for public hearing on 4/17
4/17 Update: HB 1105 left pending in Committee
4/26 Update: HB 1105 voted favorably out of committee
5/5 Update: HB 1105 voted favorably out of full House
5/11 Update: HB 1105 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
5/19 Update: HB 1105 amended to adopt language of SB 1024 and heard in Senate Committee on Health and Human Services**
5/21 Update: HB 1105 voted favorably out of Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, as substituted
5/23 Update: HB 1105 passed favorably out of full Senate
5/26 Update: House refuses to concur with Senate changes
** no longer TFVC-opposed

HB 3058 (Rep. Ann Johnson)
Provides immunity from liability for physicians who follow mainstream protocols for their patients
3/14 Update: HB 3058 referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
4/26 Update: HB 3058 scheduled for public hearing
5/3 Update: HB 3058 voted favorably out of Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
5/12 Update: HB 3058 voted favorably out of full House
5/17 Update: HB 3058 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs
5/18 Update: HB 3058 heard in committee, completely substituted**, voted favorably out of Senate Committee on State Affairs
5/24 Update: Substituted HB 3058 voted favorably out of full Senate
** no longer TFVC-opposed

HB 5129 (Rep. Raney)
Allows pharmacists to delegate the administration of vaccinations to pharmacy techs

SB 641 (Sen. Johnson)
Adds the meningitis vaccine to the list of shots “required” for public school students in Texas
2/17 Update: SB 641 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 700 (Sen. Eckhardt)
Requires school districts to comply with public health authority orders to control communicable disease, including requiring face coverings
2/17 Update: SB 700 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

Bills We Are Watching

HB 71 (Rep. Canales) 
Establishes a digital identification program
2/23 Update: HB 71 referred to the House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety
3/23 Update: HB 71 scheduled for public hearing on 3/27
4/11 Update: HB 71 voted favorably out of Committee
4/18 Update: HB 71 received by Calendars Committee
5/1 Update: HB 71 voted favorably out of full House
5/4 Update: HB 71 referred to Senate Committee on Transportation

HB 107 (Rep. Schaefer)
Repeals statute which penalizes Texans for violating emergency orders
2/23 Update: HB 107 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 119 (Rep. Schaefer)
Allows Texans to file a civil suit if government emergency orders negative impact their rights
2/23 Update: HB 119 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 235 (Rep. Howard) and companion SB 160 (Sen. Perry)
Allows pharmacists to dispense certain medications without an established patient-doctor relationship
2/15 Update: SB 342 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
2/23 Update: HB 235 referred to the House Committee on Public Health

HB 448 (Rep. Schofield)
Allows businesses to be compensated for losses caused by a government-ordered shutdown
2/23 Update: HB 448 referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HB 638 (Rep. Toth) and companion SB 773 (Sen. Parker)
Expands the state’s Right to Try Act and prohibits state interference into the doctor/patient relationship
2/23 Update: HB 638 referred to the House Committee on Public Health
3/1 Update: SB 773 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/29 Update: SB 773 heard and left pending in Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
4/17 Update: SB 773 voted favorably out of Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
4/17 Update: HB 638 scheduled for public hearing; left pending in Committee
4/26 Update: HB 638 voted favorably out of House Committee on Public Health
4/27 Update: SB 773 voted favorably out of full Senate
5/4 Update: SB 773 referred to House Committee on Public Health
5/8 Update: SB 773 heard in and voted favorably out of House Committee on Public Health
5/12 Update: SB 773 voted favorably out of full House

HB 911 (Rep. Harrison)
Prevents perpetual emergency orders and returns power to the people through their elected representatives in the legislature
3/3 Update: HB 911 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 1047 (Rep. Hinojosa)
Requires transparency for federal funds received in response to a state of disaster declared by the Governor
3/3 Update: HB 1047 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

HB 1063 (Rep. Guerra) and companion SB 852 (Sen. Miles)
Adds “disability” to the factors included in immunization reporting, and expands reporting to include all immunizations. This report is provided to the Legislature every other year with the intent to find ways to increase county immunization levels
3/3 Update: HB 1063 referred to the House Committee on Public Health
3/3 Update: SB 852 referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

HB 1155 (Rep. Patterson et al) and companion SB 393 (Sen. Hall)
Reinforces parents’ rights with regard to physical, emotional and mental health care or support provided to a student while in school
2/15 Update: SB 393 referred to Senate Committee on Education
3/3 Update: HB 1155 referred to the House Committee on Public Education

HB 1491 (Rep. Harrison)
Requires any person entering Texas from another country to pass a medical review that is in keeping with any in place for legal residents of the United States
3/3 Update: HB 1491 referred to the House Committee on State Affairs

SB 290 (Sen. Johnson)
Creates a state healthcare information network in which medical providers and third party payers voluntarily exchange private medical information, with no requirement for explicit patient consent
2/15 Update: SB 290 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 299 (Sen. Hall)
Allows hospital patients to receive care from a physician who is not on hospital staff, at the patient’s request
2/15 Update: SB 299 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 310 (Sen. Hall)
Public health directives issued by the Governor during a declared state of disaster may not be more stringent than those required of undocumented immigrants by ICE
2/15 Update: SB 310 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 666 (Sen. Hall)
Places restrictions on complaints filed against licensed practitioners to the Texas Medical Board
2/17 Update: SB 666 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 1024 (Sen. Kolkhorst)
Prevents public and some private educational institutions from requiring the COVID-19 vaccine;  bans mask mandates; establishes a state-run VAERS program; prohibits patient and private employee discrimination based on vaccination status
3/3 Update: SB 1024 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
3/20 Update: SB 1024 scheduled for public hearing on March 22 at 8:30 a.m. Read TFVC’s Action Alert here
3/20 Update: SB 1024 heard and left pending in committee
4/12 Update: SB 1024 voted favorably out of committee as substituted

NOTE: SB 1024 has been moved from SUPPORT to WATCH while TFVC works with the bill author to address some concerns with the Committee Substitute.

SB 1437 (Sen. Springer)
Establishes an Emergency Powers Board and its powers during a public health emergency

3 thoughts on “88th Session Bill Lists”

  1. Michelle Williams

    I strongly agree with all bills listed in “bills we support”. Mandatory vaccines need to be stopped!!!! I have two autoimmune diseases and don’t feel there is enough research on the effects of the covid vaccine.

    I strongly agree with Bill Hall on all bills proposed. Hospitals should let patients works with the doctors they chose or get a second opinion from a doctor not affiliated with the hospital.

    I also feel we need to go back to paper ballots. We should have ballots that can not be manipulated electronically.

  2. I have written my House Representative for support and Do NOT support of these Bills. Thank you so much for keeping us informed on what is coming up in the TX Legislature!!!

  3. Thank you so much for providing this very informative list of bills. I have already written to both Public Health & State Affairs Chairs in support of specific bills that will help ensure Texans’ medical liberty. Your tremendous work and advocacy is making the difference! Muchas gracias!

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