Below you will find THREE bill lists: TFVC Special Session (III) Bill Lists, TFVC Special Session (I) Bills We Support, and TFVC 87th Regular Legislative Session Bills (87R) .

All Legislative Sessions are currently over.

You can click on the bill numbers to read the text of the bill and check its progress.

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*87R = Bills filed during the Regular 87th Legislative Session which ended May 31, 2021

Special Session (III) Bills We Support

HB 14 (Toth) Relating to a prohibition on certain companies that receive government contracts from requiring employees to receive a vaccination.

HB 18 (Toth) Relating to protecting the medical freedom and bodily autonomy of employees with respect to immunization or vaccination status.

HB 33 (Slaton) Relating to a prohibition on certain companies and hospitals from requiring employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination;
creating a criminal offence.

HB 37 (Noble) Relating to exemptions from certain vaccination requirements.

HB 39 (Noble) Relating to prohibited vaccination status discrimination and requirements for COVID-19 vaccines.

HB 93 (White) Relating to a prohibition on COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

HB 71 (Swanson) Relating to provider discrimination against a Medicaid recipient or child health plan program enrollee based on immunization status.

HB 74 (Toth) Relating to immunization requirements for admission to public schools.

HB 86 (Tinderholt) Relating to prohibited COVID-19 vaccine passports; providing a civil penalty.

HB 109 (Cain) Relating to exemptions from certain vaccination requirements.

HB 110 (Slaton) Relating to COVID-19 vaccination policies and related measures of governmental entities; creating criminal offenses.

HB 120 (Jetton) Relating to the release or disclosure of vaccination or immunization information to certain persons; providing a civil penalty.

HB 134 (Middleton) Relating to exemptions from certain vaccination requirements.

SB 11 (Hall) Relating to prohibited vaccination status discrimination and requirements for certain vaccination policies.

SB 12 (Hall) Relating to workers’ compensation benefits for injuries caused by employer-required COVID-19 vaccines and payment of those benefits.

SB 13 (Hall) Relating to COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the application of COVID-19 vaccine exemptions to certain employees.

SB 14 (Hall) Relating to prohibiting COVID-19 vaccine mandates by a governmental entity.

SB 16 (Hall) Relating to protection of individuals from participation in a health care service for reasons of conscience; providing a civil remedy; authorizing disciplinary action.

SB 35 (Paxton) Relating to exemptions from certain vaccination requirements.

SB 36 (Hall) Relating to prohibitions on the use of state money to enforce federal vaccine or treatment mandates and on required COVID-19

Special Session (III) Bills We Are Watching

47 (Reynolds) Relating to requiring certain employers to provide paid sick leave to employees; providing administrative and civil penalties.

HB 92 (Goodwin) Relating to personal leave provided for a public school teacher who must isolate due to exposure to or testing positive for certain diseases.

HB 94 (White) Relating to the establishment of a COVID-19 health information clearinghouse.

SB 33 (Johnson) Relating to the governor’s issuance of executive orders, proclamations, and regulations regarding the wearing of face masks or coverings during a declared state of disaster.

SB 39 (Eckhart) Relating to health care facility reporting of COVID-19 data.

SB 40 (Eckhart) Relating to the implementation by public schools of certain COVID-19 public health orders issued by a health authority.

Special Session (III) Bills We Oppose

HB 96 (Howard) Relating to the immunization data included in and excluded from the immunization registry.

HB 98 (Howard) Relating to the authority of a business to implement certain communicable disease prevention and control policies.

SB 30 (Johnson) Relating to the authority of governmental entities to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for entity employees.

SB 31 (Johnson) Relating to an exception to the prohibition on COVID-19 vaccine passports.

SB 32 (Johnson) Relating to lawsuits against businesses that require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery.

SB 38 (Eckhart) Relating to the immunization of public school students against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Special Session (I) Bills We Support

SB 65 (Hall) Relating to protecting the medical freedom and bodily autonomy of employees with respect to immunization or vaccination status.

HB 211 (Tinderholt) Relating to prohibited COVID-19 vaccine passports; providing a civil penalty.

HB 173 (Vasut) Relating to state and local government responses to disasters.

HB 184 (Swanson) Relating to provider discrimination against a Medicaid recipient or child health plan program enrollee based on immunization status.

SB 5 (Hughes) Relating to complaint procedures and disclosure requirements for, and to the censorship of users’ expressions by, social media platforms. Current status: Voted favorably out of committee on 7/14

HB 95 (Shaheen) Relating to civil liability for censorship by social media companies.

SB 24 (Kolkhorst) Relating to state investments in social media companies that censor political speech.

HB 20 (Cain) Relating to complaint procedures and disclosure requirements for and censorship of users’ expressions by social media platforms.

HB 243  (White) Relating to state investments in social media companies that censor political speech.

HB 293  Noble Relating to prohibited vaccination status discrimination and requirements for COVID-19 vaccines.

SB 64 (Hall) Relating to protecting the bodily autonomy of individuals with respect to exemptions from required immunizations or vaccinations in the workplace.

SB 74 (Kolkhorst) Relating to the release or disclosure of vaccination or immunization information to certain persons; providing a civil penalty.

HB 273 (Jetton) Relating to the release or disclosure of vaccination or immunization information to certain persons; providing a civil penalty.

See our full Special Session Legislative Agenda HERE.

TFVC Priority Bills (87R)

HB 1687 (Rep. Noble et al.) referred to International Relations and Economic Development
Prohibits employers, labor organizations, and employment agencies from discriminating against individuals based on C0VID-19 vaccination status.

HB 2536 (Rep. Krause et al.) voted unanimously out of the House; hearing scheduled in Senate State Affairs on April 19; voted favorably out of Senate on April 29, sent to Governor’s desk on May 4!
SB 2015 (Sen. Buckingham) referred to State Affairs
Prohibits the termination of parental rights or the removal of a child from the home on the basis that the parents sought an opinion from more than one medical provider relating to the child’s medical care, transferred the child’s medical care to a new medical provider, or transferred the child to another health care facility; amends the definition of neglect to state that it excludes those items as well.

HB 2760 (Rep. White et al.) referred to Public Health
SB 1313 (Sen. Hall) left pending in Health and Human Services
Protects religious beliefs against medical treatments during an emergency and ensures that any emergency-related quarantine is done in the least restrictive means possible and with due process.

HB 2856 (Rep. Swanson et al.) hearing scheduled in Public Health on April 21
SB 1312 (Sen. Hall) referred to Health and Human Services
Protects Medicaid patients from discrimination by state-funded doctors based on vaccination status.

HB 2968 (Rep. Cason et al.) referred to Public Health
SB 1310 (Sen. Hall) left pending in Health and Human Services
Defines informed consent to immunization.

HB 3028 (Rep. Middleton et al.) referred to Insurance
Prohibits insurance companies from making vaccination a condition for coverage.

HB 3222 (Rep. Leach et al.) referred to Public Health
Allows blank exemption forms to be printed from the Dept. of State Health Services website, made available in school nurse offices, or obtained by written request from the Dept. of State Health Services.

Additional Bills We Support (87R)

HB 567 (Rep. Frank) voted out of the House ; referred to State Affairs in Senate
SB 190 (Sen. Hughes) left pending in State Affairs
Includes numerous provisions that would protect Texas families from unnecessary trauma in the CPS system.

HB 888 (Rep. Patterson) referred to Public Health
Includes numerous contact tracing restrictions, including making participation voluntary and without penalty.

HB 1098 (Rep. Gates) left pending in Human Services
Updates CPS intake procedures by, among other things, specifying additional information required to be included in a report to CPS,  redirecting anonymous reporting to 911 or a law enforcement agency, creating a duty to record oral reports, requiring non-coerced written consent from the parents to interview the child, and prohibiting touching or disrobing a child or separating the child from his or her parents when conducting an interview.

HB 1204 (Rep. Gates) referred to Human Services
Updates the procedures and required communications for adding an individual to the central child abuse registry to help ensure due process; establishes valid grounds and procedures for removing an alleged offender from the central child abuse registry.

HB 1406 (Rep. Schaefer) referred to State Affairs
Allows an individual to legally challenge a state or local disaster order, a public health disaster order, or a public control measure order if the individual alleges that the order would cause injury or burden a protected state or federal constitutional right or law.

HB 1872 (Rep. Gates) referred to Public Education
Prohibits public and charter schools from requiring students to use or wear C0VID-19 detection devices.

HB 2298 (Rep. Cason) left pending in Human Services
HB 2737 (Rep. Minjarez) hearing scheduled in Human Services on April 20
SB 647 (Sen. Kolkhorst) referred to Health and Human Services
Expands the information that the Department of Family and Protective Services must provide upon initiating an investigation of a parent for neglect or abuse.

HB 3231 (Rep. Leach) left pending in Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
SB 1178 (Sen. Birdwell) left pending in State Affairs
Codifies fundamental parental rights to direct and make decisions for the care, custody, control, education, upbringing, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child.

SB 1489 (Sen. Hall) hearing scheduled in Health & Human Services on April 21
Requires the Dept of State Health Services to post their website a printable brochure containing information about preventative measures and treatments for COVID-19. Requires any person performing a COVID-19 viral test to provide the brochure and verbally convey the information contained in the brochure to the individual receiving the test.

SB 1669 (Sen. Hall) referred to State Affairs
Prohibits discrimination  based on vaccination status and prohibits mandates for receiving or participating in the administration of vaccines.

HB 3726 (Rep. Toth) referred to Public Health
SB 1670 (Sen. Hall) referred to Education
Prohibits the exclusion of students with immunization exemptions from school during an epidemic.

Bills We Oppose (87R)

HB 3 (Rep. Burrows) left pending in State Affairs
Grants sweeping pandemic emergency authority to the governor, including the power to divert public funds, commandeer private property, and control the movement of individuals. Conditions civil liability protections for businesses upon compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, ordinances, declarations, and proclamations related to the pandemic disaster. Provides that the legislature may terminate a declaration of pandemic disaster at any time, but does not provide a mechanism or requirement to call the legislature back into session should they not be in a session during a pandemic. As we saw in 2020, the governor is the only one who can call a special session, and the legislature was rendered impotent to act as a check on the executive branch.

HB 325 (Rep. Howard) referred to Public Health
SB 468 (Sen. Zaffirini and Sen. Seliger) referred to Health and Human Services
Removes current protection for informed consent before information is put into the vaccine registry.

HB 495 (Rep. Wu) referred to Human Services
SB 139 (Sen. Johnson) referred to Health and Human Services
Allows a child-care facility to provide notice of the immunization rates of enrolled children, immunization rates of employed adults (Rep. Wu’s bill only), and the facility’s hand washing policy (Rep. Wu’s bill only).

HB 1221 (Rep. Campos) referred to Human Services
Requires long-term care facilities to implement disease control measures, including immunization; does not delineate exemption options.

SB 636 (Sen. Seliger) left pending in Health and Human Services
Requires a biennial report on disease outbreaks, including de-identified immunization exemption information and the reporting of vaccine exemptions at the campus level.

HB 2312 (Rep. Guerra) referred to Human Services
Requires long-term care facilities to track vaccination status of employees and residents and release immunization rate data upon request to anyone for any reason.

Bills We Are Watching (87R)

HB 472 (Rep. White) referred to Public Health
Allows free-standing emergency medical care facilities to administer immunizations.

HB 4272 (Rep. Klick) will be heard on the House Floor on May 6th
Provides for several consent protections related to the immunization registry.

HB 516 (Rep. Beckley) referred to Public Health
HB 591 (Rep. Turner of Tarrant) referred to Public Health
SB 138 (Sen. Johnson) referred to Health and Human Services
Adds bacterial meningitis vaccines to the list of vaccines required for school enrollment; does not remove current exemptions.

HB 602 (Rep. Hinojosa) referred to Insurance
Establishes a publicly-funded program called the Healthy Texas Program that, among other things, provides free immunizations.

HB 677 (Rep. Cortez) referred to Public Health
HB 678 (Rep. Cortez) left pending Public Health
SB 2136 (Sen. Blanco) referred to Health and Human Services
Allows pharmacists to administer immunizations to children three years and older without a doctor’s prescription.

HB 797 (Rep. Howard) voted out of the House; voted out of Health and Human Services
SB 816 (Sen. Buckingham) referred to Health and Human Services
Allows home and community support services agencies to purchase, store, and administer any FDA-approved vaccine.

HB 801 (Rep. Cortez) referred to Public Health
Establishes a certification program for assistance animals that requires, among other things, that assistance animals have all necessary vaccinations.

SB 239 (Sen. Powell) voted out of the Senate; referred to House
Requires the Dept. of State Health Services to implement a disease prevention information system.

SB 264 and SJR 17 (Sen. Menéndez) referred to Health and Human Services
Establishes TRANSCEND, an organization that would issue bonds and award grants for infectious disease research and strategies, including vaccines. The bill, if passed, takes effect only if the constitutional amendment authorizing up to $3 billion in bonds is approved by voters.

HB 1222 (Rep. Campos) referred to Public Health
Requires the Department of State Health Services to publish on its website aggregated information regarding disease outbreaks and individual disease cases from reports it is already required to prepare, including probable sources of infection and the date of each death and total number of deaths caused by the disease.

HB 1409 (Rep. Guillen) referred to Public Health
Requires the state to proportionally distribute immunizations during a health emergency based on several county-specific factors.

HB 1747 (Rep. Lozano) referred to Public Health
HB 3757 (Rep. Lozano) referred to Public Health
Requires the COVID-19 Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel to prioritize COVID-19 vaccines for first responders (HB 1747) and public school employees (HB 3757).

HB 1773 (Rep. Cook) left pending in Criminal Jurisprudence
Criminalizes caregivers who are deemed to have sought unnecessary medical treatment for a minor child, disabled individual, or elderly individual with the intent to harm the individual.

Texans for Vaccine Choice acknowledges Rep. David Cook for his swift action to amend the vaccine language in the original version of HB 1773 and for his willingness to work with stakeholders on both sides of the issue. In doing so, he was able to mitigate many of the unintended consequences for families with medically vulnerable loved ones. With the changes found in the Committee Sub, TFVC can now take a neutral stance and allow the seasoned advocates for the medically fragile community to take the lead. As always, TFVC will remain watchful as this bill moves through the legislative process.

HB 2316 (Rep. Turner) referred to Public Health
SB 2022 (Sen. Powell) referred to Health and Human Services
Requires the health department to implement and fund a public campaign to increase awareness of and educate the public about C0VID-19 vaccines.

HB 2527 (Rep. Thierry) referred to Public Education
Requires school districts to prepare and maintain health and safety plans designed to try to prevent the spread of highly contagious communicable disease and specifies that such plans must require, if appropriate, hand washing schedules, temperature checks, physical distancing, sanitation protocols, PPE, and notification requirements. 

HB 2385 (Rep. Sherman) left pending in Corrections
Requires the State to test inmates for communicable diseases and any life-threatening disease or condition before the inmate is discharged or released on parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon. 

HB 3108 (Rep. Lucio III) referred to Public Health
Allows pharmacists to administer flu vaccines to children three years and older without an established physician-patient relationship.

HB 3562 (Rep. Cortez) referred to Public Health
Establishes a Texas Public Health Crisis and Pandemic Council to, among other things, collect data, conduct research, advise the governor and legislature on the State’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and any other similar occurrence, and provide guidance to health care providers, businesses, and the public.

HB 2902 (Rep. Rodriguez) referred to Public Health
SB 1306 (Sen. Blanco) referred to Health and Human Services
Establishes a COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force to identify and address inequities that result in a disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color and other underserved populations.

SB 1353 (Sen. Miles) left pending in Health and Human Services
Adds additional items that must be included in the biennial legislative report on immunizations issued by the Department of State Health Services, including information on immunization accessibility, access disparities and recommendations for reducing such disparities, and recommendations to increase immunization rates.