From our July 13, 2018 Facebook Post:
😱 Pictured below is an actual letter written to one of our members. It’s an exciting letter every parent looks forward to receiving – the first correspondence from a young child away at summer camp. Imagine this parent’s dismay when they read the following:

“I was at camp and had a headache because of the heat. Then I walked to the nurse and she told me I had a headache because I did not have vaccines. I got very mad. I told everyone I was allergic to vaccines. Was that the right thing to do?”

⬇️A message from this TFVC warrior mama:⬇️
“While the camp responded to my concerns well, the damage was done. My daughter didn’t trust the nurse who knew so little of her medical history. She jumped at the first chance she could to bully my daughter, attempting to teach her distrust in MY parental decisions over her. Thankfully, my daughter was well informed.

Where can I get a headache vaccine???”

⚠️We have spoken often of “social mandates” and the subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways that your authority to make medical decisions for you and your family is undermined on a daily basis. This is a good reminder to all of us to be vigilant & communicate well with our children so that when they are faced with a similar situation, they – like the child who wrote this letter – know EXACTLY WHO CALLS THE SHOTS!
