Since we burst onto the political convention circuit in 2016, Texans for Vaccine Choice has been widely embraced by the Republican Party of Texas. As delegates, voting members, exhibitors, and event sponsors, the working relationship between TFVC and the RPT has advanced the freedoms of ALL Texans, and we are proud of our accomplishments.
Texans for Vaccine Choice began planning for the 2020 GOP State Convention in 2019. We worked diligently to overcome fiscal and logistical constraints to attend the 2020 GOP State Convention so that we could support the many Texans who rely on us to champion medical liberty and family freedom. During our many years of advocacy work, we have always emphasized the importance of unity, and as such have refused to endorse in the State Chair race as it has often become a source of party division.
Having hosted many events that required enormous flexibility and behind-the-scenes coordination, we have great respect for the many wonderful individuals who have worked tirelessly to put on our state convention. However, we feel strongly that a lack of leadership and lapse in communication have left all of the grassroots organizations – who have dedicated a tremendous amount of resources to preserving our freedoms – in the lurch. We are disappointed that the current Texas GOP leadership has failed to relay any sort of regret for the lack of communication to the exhibitors regarding the unprecedented circumstances with this year’s convention and cancellation of the exhibit hall.
While we will continue to give grace and understanding to those working hard to make the show go on, we are obligated by our commitment to transparency to lay out a snap shot of the communication both TO the Party and FROM the Party regarding our planned booth in the exhibit hall during the convention (see the photos below). We have included the responses of BOTH candidates for State Chair so that you, as a delegate, can make an informed choice with your vote. Because…the choice should be YOURS!
Communication #1: Our email to Chairman Dickey sent on June 29th, urging him to act decisively in fighting for an in-person convention. We never received a response from Chairman Dickey.

Communication #2 – #3: Emails received from RPT minutes apart with conflicting convention information.

Communication #4: Email from RPT stating that we would be refunded only 75% of our exhibitor booth fees, despite the fact there was to be no exhibition hall.

TFVC Proudly Endorses Lt. Co. Allen West for RPT Chair
As stated above, our previous attempts at requests for information and clarification went unanswered by Chairman Dickey. We requested a statement from Allen West, and received the following:
I am incredibly proud of the work done by the grassroots activists advocating for medical liberty and family freedom during the pre-Convention committee meetings this week in Houston. From strengthening informed consent language in the platform, to the successful additions as a legislative priority, it is abundantly clear, that the Texas GOP intends to lead on issues of health freedom. While I applaud these localized efforts, I am deeply disheartened to learn that the efforts organized by hard working families of Texas have not been communicated with and treated with the respect they deserve. The news that the RPT is refusing to fully refund these small organizations who have worked tirelessly on our behalf is appalling. This is not the way we should be treating those working to save Texas from tyranny. As party chair, not only will I fight for the platform, I will stand with grassroots organizations and their members to form a strong alliance to keep Texas FREE.
Lt. Co. Allen B. West
West 4 Texas

Bravo, Col.
People are tired of the unresponsive political swamp-dwellers who inhabit every center of power. That is precisely why our President Trump was elected.
It is clear that past chairman Dickey was infected with this virulent anti-freedom virus. I am quite sure that Col. West was elected for precisely this reason.
I have high hopes that, like Our President, Col. West will prove resistant to the virus and support our efforts to live free and private lives.
Please stand with and for Americans and their freedom to choose whether to vaccinate or not! I am sick and tired of these elected officials thinking they have the right to take our freedoms away when they are elected to protect them! The tyranny must stop!
We are going to have to assemble ourselves in large masses. Especially since we know there has already been accounts of harvesting of the ballots & must stand against Democratic attempts to interference to “cheat” & invalidate the People’s Choice. Even the Pope is calling for a Marxist Socialistic World Order. We must not sit back in the shadows. We must fight for our freedoms before we have none