We’ve said it several times over the course of the past months, but it bears repeating: Due to the nature of how districts are drawn in Texas, very few districts are considered “swing” districts. This means that if a Republican holds the seat in a particular district, a Republican in most cases will continue to hold the seat after the November General Election. The same holds true for Democrats. The significance of this is that the outcome of most elections in Texas is determined on Primary Election Day (and not during the General Election.) If you are only a General Election voter in Texas, you are too late!

Our fast approaching Primary is our chance, as Vaccine Choice Voters, to make a HUGE impact on the outcome of elections across our great state. Whether it’s by helping a TFVC Champion legislator retain his or her seat, being #ALLIN for a challenger who has stepped up to run against an incumbent who voted AGAINST YOUR FAMILY last session, or assisting in an open seat race, there is a role for YOU!

We have compiled ways for YOU to get involved, and we’d love to see you dig deep these last few weeks so we can see BIG victories on March 6!

Greet voters, answer questions, and be a friendly face for our Priority Campaigns! Please sign up for as many shifts as you are able! It’s fun, we promise, and CRUCIAL to early voting success!

For Senator Bob Hall (large area east of Dallas):

For Lisa Luby Ryan (Dallas):

For Susanna Dokupil (Houston):

Phone banking is like block walking but from the comfort of your own home! You call only registered voters. The campaign provides the script!

To phone bank for the Lisa Luby Ryan campaign:
Contact Hanna at [email protected]

To phone bank for the Susanna Dokupil campaign:
Contact Charles at [email protected]

To phone bank for the Chris Evans campaign:
Contact Fernando at [email protected]

Remaining Block Walk Schedule:

Block walk for Lisa Luby Ryan
Saturday, February 17, 10am and Sunday, February 18, 1pm
12684 Sunlight Drive, Dallas

Block walk for Sen. Hall
Saturday, February 17, 10am
4411 Gus Thomasson Road, Mesquite

Block walk for Susanna Dokupil
Saturday, February 17, 10am and Sunday, February 18, 1pm
Contact Ashley for the address: [email protected]

Block walk for Chris Evans
Saturday, February 17, 10am
Parking lot of the Back Porch (1613 NE Big Bend Trail, Glen Rose)

Catch up with old friends and meet some new ones at one of our Member Meet-Ups this coming weekend! Your favorite TFVC Endorsed Candidates will be there, so don’t miss this exciting opportunity!

Friday, February 16th, 7:00 PM
RSVP for address
RSVP to Rebecca at [email protected]


Friday, February 16th, 7:30 PM
Crown Plaza Houston River Oaks
Windsor I Room
2712 Southwest Freeway, Houston
RSVP to Jackie at [email protected]


Saturday, February 17, 4:00 PM
Beans and Franks
1296 West Washington, Stephenville
RSVP to Melissa at [email protected]

If you don’t live near one of our priority races and would like to help closer to home, please contact a campaign near you from the list of TFVC-endorsed candidates here and ask what YOU can do to help carry them over the finish line to victory on March 6!