Last month, I stood with a few thousand others on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the V.I.E. (Vaccine Injury Epidemic) Event. The goal of this event was to call attention to the vast tragedy of vaccine injuries and deaths in this country, injuries and deaths that continue to be minimized, ignored, and completely denied by the pharmaceutical-owned medical establishment and media.
It was both awe-inspiring and heart-wrenching to be among this crowd of thousands. I was grateful for the many who took the stage: extremely brave doctors, lawyers, religious leaders, legislators, parents, and activists. They brought the crowd to tears by acknowledging the blatant injustice surrounding this epidemic.
I was also painfully aware of what my own children had suffered. Their suffering earned my husband and I a spot in this ‘club’ no one ever wanted to join. What was most crushing, however, was hearing the stories of the new people I was meeting, many of whom had buried their children as a result of vaccine injuries. Their heartache was palpable. I knew that as much as they were already suffering, their pain was continually magnified by the marginalization, denial, and even ridicule society has been taught to heap on to those of us who dare speak out about vaccine injuries and deaths. The injustice of this epidemic and the rate at which it tragically continues to grow take my breath away.

Shining a Light on Government Betrayal
The date of this event, November 14, 2019, is noteworthy, as it was the 33rd anniversary of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). I wrote extensively about this Act a few years ago, as it was one of the first shocking things I learned about after my children suffered their injuries. Though most folks still don’t know this Act exists, the original legislation did a number of significant things, including:
- Acknowledged that vaccines can and do cause harm and that our national vaccine program would always have some degree of ‘collateral damage’ in the form of permanent disabilities and deaths of children;
- Required doctors to give accurate disease and vaccine risk information, record adverse reactions in medical charts and report them to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) so the government could track, quantify, investigate, and ultimately reduce adverse reactions;
- Created the excise tax funded Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) to compensate those that suffered injuries/deaths from vaccination as an alternative to expensive time-consuming civil litigation; and
- Established very specific guidelines for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to follow in order to fund additional vaccine safety research, and to monitor, improve, and report to Congress regularly on vaccine safety.
Unfortunately, the Act’s measures to improve vaccine safety, guarantee informed consent, reduce the numbers of injuries and deaths created by our national vaccine program, and preserve the public’s right to trial were all an orchestrated scam. Barbara Loe Fisher, parent activist and founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, worked with Congress on this Act in order to ensure these protective measures were included. At the V.I.E. Event, Ms. Fisher laid it out for the crowd:
“We had been fighting for so long to protect the Act from industry greed and government overreach that we never saw the betrayal coming. On November 14, 1986, we did not know that the very same lawmakers sponsoring the Act were already working behind the scenes to dismantle it.
Then in the early 1990s, Congress added more amendments to weaken the vaccine safety provisions and allow the Department of Health and Justice to systematically gut the VICP with rule making so fewer children would be compensated. And all along, the vaccine safety studies parents were promised were never done.”
This law, while acknowledging vaccines cause injuries and deaths, has ultimately been used to give vaccine makers a free pass from any liability for harm caused by their product. To make matters worse, all measures for ensuring vaccine safety were completely watered down, and what remained of the safety mandate has been completely ignored – for 33 years.
The full burden of vaccine injuries and deaths are left on the families’ shoulders. With no legal accountability , this law incentivized drug companies to rush more and more vaccines to market regardless of their safety profile. This is the antithesis of what was promised to the public in 1986.

Shining a Light on The Epidemic
Throughout the Event, my friend Leigh noted that the thousands of us standing there were barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of people truly affected by vaccine injury, and she’s absolutely right. You don’t have to dig very deep to find that the ‘one in a million’ line touted by public health officials and regurgitated by the media is a false assurance that grossly misleads the public.
Consider that roughly 35,000 adverse reactions, including permanent injuries and deaths, are reported to the Department of Health and Human Services each year, but an HHS-funded study found that these reports account for less than one percent of actual adverse events – a proverbial drop in the bucket. Additionally, this same federal study found that vaccine injury ratios are actually closer to 1 in 39 than 1 in a million – that’s quite a discrepancy.
The Vaxxed Bus which provides a jaw-dropping visual of the impact of vaccine injury in our country. In just a few years, more than 8,600 signatures representing lives destroyed or lost due to vaccine injury have accumulated on its surface. If vaccine injuries were truly one in a million, given that there are roughly 325,000,000 people in the U.S., that bus should have no more than 325 or so names on it.

Shining a Light on Corruption
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., environmental attorney and founder of Children’s Health Defense, stated during his rousing speech that the companies we are supposed to blindly trust with vaccines are the same companies who have been proven in court time and time again to be utterly corrupt. These four companies, over the past 10 years, have collectively paid $35 billion in “damages, penalties and fines for defrauding regulators, falsifying science, lying to doctors, lying to the American people, ghost-writing science, and killing people.”
“The idea that these money-hungry, corrupt, deceptive companies that have broken law after law put their ruthless practices aside to practice altruistic medicine when it comes to vaccines is illogical at best.”
This is the industry that brought us the opiate crisis that kills “more American children every year than the Vietnam War killed in 20 years.” He also reminded us that Merck, the largest vaccine manufacturer in the US , was responsible for Vioxx – a headache pill that they knew caused heart attacks – that killed 500,000 Americans.
The glaring difference, however, between the opioid crisis, the deadly Vioxx scandal, and the vaccine injury epidemic is that the pharmaceutical companies are accountable legally and socially for their lies and fraud when it come to the two former atrocities, while they escape – profits in hand – for the latter. The idea that these money-hungry, corrupt, deceptive companies that have broken law after law put their ruthless practices aside to practice altruistic medicine when it comes to vaccines is illogical at best.
“This industry owns these guys. These people are supposed to be representing us, they’re supposed to be protecting our children, and instead they’re working for this industry.”
Robert F Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. Kennedy also brought attention to the fact that our U.S. Congressmen are “the indentured servants of this corrupt industry”, as there are “five times as many pharmaceutical lobbyists in that building as there are elected representatives, and they give more money to our elected representatives than any other industry.” Pharma pours twice as much money into lobbying efforts as the oil and gas industry and four times as much as Defense and Aerospace. “This industry owns these guys. These people are supposed to be representing us, they’re supposed to be protecting our children, and instead they’re working for this industry.”
In 1986, vaccines were a $1 billion industry. Since gaining their freedom from liability and rushing so many additional vaccines, vaccine combinations, and boosters to market, vaccines have grown into a $50 billion industry and are projected to approach $60 billion by 2020.
As Mr. Kennedy pointed out, the bigger money is made because “they have persuaded the American public to trade a series of minor, mild, self-limiting childhood rashes for a chronic disease epidemic like the world has never known.”
Shining a Light on The Deafening Silence
Much was said at the V.I.E. Event about censorship and the refusal to acknowledge the reality of vaccine injuries. Del Bigtree, investigative reporter and CEO of Informed Consent Action Network, called out journalists for their refusal to do their job and report vaccine risks as well as pediatricians for their unwillingness to read the science and know the truth for themselves. Mr. Kennedy called out the CDC for their role in not only denying the vaccine injury epidemic and the autism epidemic, but also in denying the skyrocketing rates of chronic illness and new epidemics in our kids.
“Vaccine injured children are the most invisible group of disabled children in American history because in the eyes of the medical establishment, our children don’t exist.”
Dr. Bob Sears
“If someone gets measles or Ebola or Zika,” Mr. Kennedy said, “‘they put a team of 1500 people in moon suits and put them on airplanes and send them out from Atlanta to find out what the source of the disease is… Guess what? We have 80,000 new cases of autism every year…where is the CDC? Why are they not telling us where this is coming from? Why are our politicians pretending it’s not happening?” No one is sounding an alarm or even looking for the cause of the new autoimmune and chronic illnesses that are plaguing our children today.
Renowned pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears called vaccine injury denial “one of the worst evils of our time.” He described the denial of our children’s suffering as “a new form of discrimination: government mandated, industry sponsored and media supported discrimination.” Choking back tears, he proclaimed that “vaccine injured children are the most invisible group of disabled children in American history because in the eyes of the medical establishment, our children don’t exist.” He went on to say that many doctors and nurses “would be in this crowd today recognizing and supporting you if they weren’t afraid. Doctors and nurses who question vaccines lose their job.”
Shining a Light on The Way Forward
As so many in our community have said over the years, once you know the truth, you can’t unknow it. And once you learn this terrible truth the hardest way possible, how could you possibly not shout it from the rooftops in an effort to spare others the same fate?
We were reminded by every speaker, time and time again, that the way forward was through rising up, showing up, speaking up, and fighting for what’s right: justice for vaccine injury victims, absolute bodily autonomy, complete medical freedom, truly informed consent, and the protection of parental and human rights.
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