On September 25, Republican Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona’s 9th District introduced H.R.9828 in the US House of Representatives. Titled “The Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes,” the bill serves to overturn aspects of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. These changes would allow victims of vaccine-induced injuries and deaths to obtain legal compensation from vaccine manufacturers by stripping these corporations of the immunity from liability afforded to them by NCVIA.

The bill boasts an impressive list of 30 cosponsors, including five from the Texas congressional delegation. Interestingly, not one Democrat has signed on to this vital legislation.

In his official statement on the novel legislation, Gosar provided background information on the NCVIA, focusing on the lack of accountability vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed for far too long and how compensation for vaccine-induced injury is nearly impossible due to the burdensome and bureaucratic nature of ”vaccine court”

The Arizonan further remarked that vaccine-related injuries are far more common than generally understood, highlighting the underreporting of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and citing a study that suggests that only 1 in 10 victims are actually counted. 

Additionally, Gosar detailed the conflicts of interest and shady inner-workings between Big Pharma, government bureaucracies, and the scientists involved in developing and approving the vaccines themselves. “Government bureaucrats and scientists responsible for approving vaccines are in bed with Big Pharma, often owning pharmaceutical stocks, serving as consultants, and receiving lucrative contracts from pharmaceutical companies that pressure them to produce favorable results which is in direct violation of federal law,” the statement reads.

Gosar quotes Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently endorsed President Donald Trump, as saying “the four American vaccine makers are criminal enterprises that have paid tens of billions in criminal penalties over the past decade.  By freeing them from liability for negligence, the 1986 statute removed any incentive for these companies to make safe products.”

Texans for Vaccine Choice ardently supports this bill, which would allow for much needed justice for victims by restoring liability back to the vaccine manufacturers, and we applaud Representative Paul Gosar in his pursuit. We would also like to remind you that 99% of vaccine policy is set at the state level, and if this bill were to pass, it would be just one step towards holding Big Pharma accountable, after years of their relentless pursuit of medical mandates. 

ACTION ALERT: Contact Your Congressman

1- If your congressman is one of the following, please send them a message to thank them for already cosponsoring this bill: 

Rep. Keith Self, TX-3
Rep. Ronny Jackson, TX-13
Rep. Randy Weber, TX-14
Rep. Chip Roy, TX-21
Rep. Troy Nehls, TX-22


2- If not listed above, please ask your congressman to cosponsor this bill

Sample Message:
H.R. 9828 by Rep. Gosar was recently introduced and as your constituent, I ask that you please add your name as a cosponsor. Vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed liability shielding of their products since 1986. This bill would restore this liability, providing just compensation for victims of vaccine-induced damages. No other product is essentially mandated without consumer protections in America. This bill is long overdue and I ask that you please lend your support as a cosponsor today.


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