From our August 24, 2017 Facebook Post:

Did you catch CBS DFW​’s segment last night?🙄

The debate on reporting campus level exemption information returns! (Think: HB 2249 from last session that was defeated.)

If HB 2249 or this CBS DFW news feature had truly been about transparency of campus health, then both would have advocated for parents to have access to the number of children on a campus with active infections of diseases such as:

😷Hepatitis B

‼️NEWSFLASH‼️Sick children are capable of spreading disease and ARE a threat to immunocompromised children. But that campus-level information is protected.

WHY? Because it would be unconscionable to even think about releasing such PERSONAL medical information due to privacy concerns. A child’s vaccination status IS and SHOULD REMAIN protected with the same high degree of privacy.

And what about the adults on a campus with NO vaccination data? At any given time, adults – teachers, volunteers, staff, contractors, etc. – make up 20% of a campus population. Since the majority of adults do not get boosters, campuses are already below any hypothetical safe threshold.

We know this debate is NOT about safety and transparency. It is about manufacturing a perceived threat to pit one parent against another in order to advance an agenda.

Check out the story. Note the UNbalanced coverage. And drop a comment about how irrelevant exemption rates are to campus health if you feel inclined!
