The TFVC Endorsed Candidate & TFVC Recommended Candidate List for the 2020 Primary Elections is here!

TFVC Endorsed Candidates are in BOLD.

If your district is not listed below, it is because there is no Endorsed Candidate or Recommended Candidate in that race. This means that either none of the candidates returned our survey or their survey responses were not acceptable. Candidate selection criteria can be found below.

To find your State House, State Senate, and Congressional Districts, visit

You can download a printable version of this list HERE.

State House

HD 2: Bryan Slaton
HD 3: Cecil Bell, Jr.
HD 5: Cole Hefner
HD 6: Matt Schaefer
HD 7: Jay Dean
HD 15: Steve Toth
HD 16: Will Metcalf
HD 17: John Cyrier
HD 19: James White
HD 20: Terry Wilson
HD 23: Mayes Middleton
HD 24: Greg Bonnen
HD 25: Rhonda Seth
HD 29: Ed Thompson
HD 45: Carrie Isaac
HD 47: Jennifer Fleck
HD 47: Aaron Reitz
HD 47: Don Zimmerman
HD 59: Shelby Slawson
HD 60: Jon Francis
HD 63: Tan Parker
HD 66: Matt Shaheen
HD 67: Jeff Leach
HD 68: Drew Springer
HD 69: James Frank
HD 70: Scott Sanford
HD 73: Kyle Biedermann
HD 81: Brooks Landgraf
HD 83: Dustin Burrow
HD 85: Phil Stephenson
HD 86: John Smithee
HD 89: Candy Noble
HD 91: Stephanie Klick
HD 92: Jeff Cason
HD 93: Matt Krause
HD 94: Tony Tinderholt
HD 97: Craig Goldman
HD 98: Giovanni Capriglione
HD 102: Rick Walker
HD 106: Jared Patterson
HD 106: James Trombley
HD 107: Samuel Smith
HD 108: Morgan Meyer
HD 126: Sam Harless
HD 128: Briscoe Cain
HD 129: Dennis Paul
HD 130: Tom Oliverson
HD 132: Mike Schofield
HD 150: Valoree Swanson

State Senate

SD 1: Bryan Hughes
SD 18: Lois Kolkhorst
SD 24: Dawn Buckingham

Congress (Federal)

CD 5: Lance Gooden
CD 6: Ron Wright
CD 12: Chris Putnam
CD 17: George Hindman
CD 17: Kristen Alamo Rowin
CD 22: Kathleen Wall
CD 26: Jason Mrochek
CD 26: Jack Wyman
CD 36: RJ Boatman


Proposition 5: Vote YES

**The selections above can be found on the Republican Primary Ballot only**

Candidate Selection Criteria for State Races

  • To be eligible for “endorsement”, incumbents must have had a 100% score with us in the 2017 Session
  • To be eligible for “recommendation”, incumbents must have had either:
    – 90% score with us in the 2017 Session OR
    – Strong survey response on file
  • To be eligible for “endorsement”, challengers must have either:
    – 90% score with us in the 2017 Session OR
    – Strong survey response on fil
  • Races where there is more than on one candidate that meets these qualifications, those challengers earn the “recommended” classification
If a Race Is Not Listed:
  • It means that either:
    – No candidate returned a survey OR
    – Survey responses were not acceptable
  • WITHOUT EXCEPTION, candidates must meet one of the above criteria in order to be “endorsed” or “recommended”.

Candidate Selection Criteria for Federal Races

Since TFVC is a state PAC, both incumbents and challengers will be “recommended” only

To Find Your House, Senate, & Congressional Districts:
