Below you will find THREE bill lists: Bills We Support, Bills We Oppose, and Bills We Are Watching. Bills on our watch list could later move to our support or oppose lists depending on any amendments that are made during the legislative process.

You can click on the bill numbers to read the text of the bill and check its progress.

Make sure you have signed up for our email list so you know when we issue Action Alerts related to any of the following bills.

Bills We Support

HB 309 (Rep Leo Wilson) / HB 1189 (Rep Troxclair) / HB 1294 (Rep Patterson) / SB 19 and SB 239 (Sen Middleton) – Bans taxpayer funded lobbying
2/26/2025 – SB 19 scheduled for public hearing in Senate Committee on State Affairs

HB 383 (Rep Harrison) – Protects all persons in Texas from a private entity COVID-19 vaccine requirement as a condition of employment, admission or contract
2/28/2025 – Referred to House Committee on Trade, Workforce and Economic Development

HB 468 (Rep Harrison) – Prohibits additions to student vaccine requirement by agency rule 
2/28/2025 – Referred to House Committee on Public Health

HB 706 (Rep Leo Wilson) / HB 1377 (Rep Virdell) / HB 2887 (Rep Isaac) / SB 129 (Sen Hall) and SB 386 (Sen Schwertner) – Establishes that the WHO has no jurisdiction in our state
2/3/2025 – SB 129 and SB 386 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

HB 730 (Rep Swanson) – Requires the Department of State Health Services to provide a blank exemption affidavit available for download and prohibits DSHS from collecting personal information

HB 943 (Rep Cain) – Requires informed consent before administering a COVID-19 vaccine to any Texan and creates a penalty for healthcare provider who administers a COVID-19 vaccine to a patient who is under duress

HB 962 (Rep Toth) – Requires healthcare providers to report vaccine injuries and adverse events to VAERS

HB 1082 (Rep Curry) – Requires the Department of State Health Services provide a blank exemption form on its website that can be downloaded without having to provide any personal information first and prohibits DSHS from collecting or maintaining any personal information of those who access or download the form

HB 1134 (Rep Oliverson) – Prevents the Department of State Health Services from collecting and maintaining information about the number of exemption affidavits requested each year by zip code

HB 1304 (Rep Hopper) and SB 122 (Hall) – Requires labeling of any medical product containing aborted fetal tissue
2/2/2025 – SB 122 referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

HB 1356 (Rep Schatzline) and HB 3392 (Rep Swanson) – Prohibits the denial of medical care based on patient’s vaccination status

HB 1468 (Rep Leo Wilson) and SB 407 (Sen Middleton) – Prohibits healthcare facilities from denying reasons of conscience exemptions to vaccines

HB 1586 (Rep Hull) – Requires the Department of State Health Services to provide a printable blank exemption form available for download on its site.

HB 2872 (Rep Olcott) – Prohibits a government health agency or authority from disclosing a person’s vaccination status without written consent

HB 3176 (Rep Virdell) – Bans products containing mRNA material from being used to prevent or treat communicable diseases 

HB 3304 (Rep Lowe) – An omnibus bill removing all vaccine requirements from state statute

HB 3440 (Rep Olcott) – Repeals statute that excludes exempted children from public school attendance during outbreaks

HB 3441 (Rep Luther) – Requires vaccine manufacturers to assume liability for harm if they advertise their products in this state

HB 3465 (Rep Shofner) – Prohibits the use of mRNA vaccines in animals bred for human consumption

HCR 13 (Rep Cain) – Calls on the Federal Government to conduct an unbiased and comprehensive investigation of the origins of the COVID virus

HJR 28 (Rep Vasut) – Proposes constitutional amendment to establish that the liberty to direct their child’s upbringing is a fundamental right
3/3/2025 – Referred to House Committee on State Affairs

HJR 91 (Rep Hopper) – Proposes a constitutional amendment enumerating the right to refuse any vaccination 

HJR 112 (Rep Frank) – Proposes a constitutional amendment protecting the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit

SB 91 (Sen Hall) – Holds employers liable for vaccine injury if they require a vaccine as a condition of employment and do not accept exemptions 
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 94 (Sen Hall) – Prohibits Texas schools from denying admission to a student who can show proof that an exemption has been requested from the Department of State Health Services
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 95 (Sen Hall) – Requires that healthcare providers obtain full informed consent before administering a vaccine to a child; creates a penalty for failure to do so
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 96 (Sen Hall) – Requires healthcare providers to provide information on vaccine risks, to maintain a permanent record of vaccine administration details, and to report all observed vaccine injuries to VAERS
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 117 (Sen Hall) – Prohibits the Executive Director of the Department of State Health Services from adding to the list of vaccines required for public school enrollment 
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 118 (Sen Hall) – Repeals the statute which requires that exempted students be excluded from school during an epidemic or public health emergency
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 119 (Sen Hall) – Requires labeling of food products containing mRNA vaccine material
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Water, Agricultural and Rural Affairs

SB 121 (Sen Hall) – Restricts isolation and quarantine measures and allows Texans to preserve medical liberty even if subject to isolation or quarantine measures
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 125 (Sens Hall and Paxton) – Requires hospitals to allow patients to access directed or autologous blood donations
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 269 (Sen Perry) – Describes vaccine and drug-related adverse events and requires healthcare providers to report these events
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 315 (Sen Kolkhorst) – Establishes a personal property right to your own DNA
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 623 (Sen Schwertner) – Empowers pharmacists to decline to administer vaccines 
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 707 (Sen King) – Empowers the State of Texas to defy unconstitutional federal directives
2/7/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 754 (Sen Middleton) and HB 3472 (Rep Olcott) – Codifies a requirement for obtaining informed consent prior to the provision of any medical procedure or healthcare service
2/7/2025 – SB 754 referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs

SB 883 (Sens Paxton and Hall) – Prohibits state interference with patient access to off-label treatments for COVID-19
2/13/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 1391 (Sen Hall) – Requires all DSHS forms, including the Reasons of Conscience Affidavit, to be readily accessible on its website

SB 1488 (Sen Hall) – Prohibits gain of function research for potential pandemic pathogens at Texas higher education institutions.

SJR 10 (Sen Hall) – Proposes a constitutional amendment to protect the right of Texans to decline any medical treatment
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SJR 34 (Sen Hughes) – Proposes a constitutional amendment for a parent to control the upbringing of their child
2/7/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on State Affairs
2/24/2025 – Bill heard in Senate Committee on State Affairs; left pending in committee

Bills We Oppose

HB 724 (Rep Lalani) – Allows childcare facilities to publicly post the percentages of fully vaccinated children and employees

HB 772 (Rep Howard) and SB 46 (Sen Zaffirini) – Removes the requirement for parental consent prior to including a child in the state’s immunization registry
2/3/2025 – SB 46 referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services 

HB 1787 (Rep Howard) – Establishes a taxpayer-funded promotional campaign for HPV prevention on college campuses

HB 2755 (Rep Rosenthal) – Requires annual reporting of vaccine exemption data from schools, allows virtually any health department employee to inspect students’ vaccine records, and entitles any parent to a reporting of campus-level exemption data

SB 254 (Sen Flores) – Allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines to children as young as three without physician oversight or physician’s orders
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 367 (Sen Eckhardt) – Requires school districts to comply with public health department disease mitigation strategies, including mask mandates
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

SB 398 (Sen Sparks) – Allows pharmacists to task pharmacy technicians with vaccinating patients
2/3/2025 – Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

Bills We Are Watching

HB 2816 (Rep Oliverson) – Allows healthcare providers to decline to participate in a service for reasons of conscience

HB 3455 (Rep Shofner) – Requiring full informed consent prior to administering experimental drugs