Dr. Michael Turner Loses His (Vaccine) Religion

Dr. Michael Turner, MD shares his thoughtful journey of hope surrounding the rollout of the COVID jabs to despair when he was faced with its failure and surrounding government corruption.
Make your vaccine decisions based on facts, not fear.
Dr. Michael Turner, MD shares his thoughtful journey of hope surrounding the rollout of the COVID jabs to despair when he was faced with its failure and surrounding government corruption.
Dr. Randy Naidoo of Shine Pediatrics discusses his own journey in providing true informed consent and patient-centered care in his expanding pediatric practice in DFW.
Dr. McCullough, a courageous physician who has become a preeminent voice in opposition to medical tyranny, speaks with Rebecca Hardy about his experience in the crosshairs of Big Pharma.
Dr. Renata Moon, a pediatrician with an unblemished career record spanning 2 decades, reveals the concerning implications of her participation in Sen. Johnson’s hearing when she spoke of her clinical experiences post-COVID jab roll out.
Dr. Seema Nanda, a renowned optometrist and educator discusses the disturbing trend of eye and vision related injuries being encountered post COVID-19 jab roll out.
Mike Maharrey, National Communications Director for the Tenth Amendment Center, discusses centralization of power and nullification as it relates to the potential for the WHO being given authority over Americans.
We invite you to submit your vaccine injury stories – whether it be your personal experience, or the story of your loved one.