From our November 8, 2017 Facebook Post:


⚡SHOCKING NEW ARTICLE⚡ from the British Medical Journal exposes the corrupt ties between these “independent” non-profit vaccine advocacy organizations:

☠The American Academy of Pediatrics
☠The Immunization Action Coalition
☠ Every Child By Two

and not only the CDC, but vaccine manufacturers as well.

Your “unbiased”, “well-researched”, “scientific” information on vaccine safety has been 💰BOUGHT AND PAID FOR💰 by the pharmaceutical industry.

EVERYONE MUST READ this entire BMJ article by Peter Doshi, but here are a few highlights:

🌟 “”…these groups are so strongly
pro-vaccination that the public is getting a one sided message that all vaccines are created equal and vaccination is an
important public health strategy…Reality is a little different: some vaccines are enormously important to public health; others are marginal at best and likely best avoided.””

🌟 “The lack of disclosure means it is hard to know what strings, if any, come attached to the funding and how the money was used…Wyeth and Novartis have provided
funding for ECBT’s websites VaccinateYourFamily[dot]org and

🌟 “The BMJ asked IAC, ECBT, and AAP to point to an instance when they had questioned a CDC recommendation. None did.”

🌟 “Independence is about being free “from
outside control or support. An antonym for independence is reliance,” he said. IAC, ECBT, and AAP are “certainly not financially independent. And it would appear they are also not philosophically and intellectually independent, which is just as important—if not more so—in this discussion.””

BMJ link here:

Full article PDF here:
