Election Day was a HUGE success for us at Texans for Vaccine Choice! That’s why we are still celebrating!

TFVC made recommendations in several races, including Congressional, State House, State Senate, and even as local as precinct chair. As a result, we’ve had several pro-medical liberty candidates win outright or make it into runoffs. 

A key race TFVC was involved in was in Texas House District 21, where challenger David Covey took on Speaker Dade Phelan, an incumbent who has built a reputation of stalling vaccine choice legislation. Phelan repeatedly let several important medical liberty bills stall or die, including legislation to ban all COVID-19 vaccine mandates and to end these mandates from being enforced by employers.

Phelan ultimately lost his primary by race three points and even if Phelan makes it through the runoff, he is unlikely to be voted Speaker again. This is a big win for TFVC because Dade will no longer be able to kill and slow-walk important medical liberty bills. 

Moving up North, Jace Yarborough, who stood up against mandates when his military reserve unit tried to mandate the COVID jab, moved onto a runoff with Brent Hagenbuch. This is an open seat since current Senator Drew Springer is retiring. As you head to the polls in Senate District 30, remember that Jace is strongly recommended by TFVC due to his bold stance on vaccine choice and his commitment to advancing our issue. 

Finally, TFVC recommended candidates Brandon Gill and John O’Shea, both in hotly contested Congressional races for open seats, were successful. Gill won his 11-way primary outright, and O’Shea forced Craig Goldman into a runoff. 

There were several more candidates who won their races! Here is the list


Brent Money HD-2

Brian Harrison HD-10 (I)

Steve Toth HD-15 (I)

Will Metcalf HD-16 (I)

Janis Holt HD-18

David Covey HD-21

Cody Vasut HD-25 (I)

Matt Morgan HD-26 

AJ Louderback HD-30 (R) 

Katrina Pierson HD-33 (R)

JM Lozano HD-43 (I)

Alan Schoolcraft HD-44 (R)

Wes Virdell HD-53

Richard Hayes HD-57 (I)

Helen Kerwin HD-58 (R) 

Mike Olcott HD-60

Keresa Richardson HD-61 (R)

Shelley Luther HD-62

Ben Bumgarner HD-63 (I)

Andy Hopper HD-64 (R)

Mitch Little HD-65

James Frank HD-69 (I)

David Lowe HD-91 (R)

Nate Schatzline HD-93 (I)

Tony Tinderholt HD-94 (I)

Aimee Ramsey HD-114

Marc Lahood HD-121 

Mark Dorazio HD-122 (I)

Briscoe Cain HD-128 (I)

Valoree Swanson HD-150 (I)

(I) = Incumbent (R) = Runoff

Texans for Vaccine Choice will continue to monitor candidates in the runoff and update you, the voters, on the results!