Sign our petition TODAY to send Texas businesses a loud and clear message:
We all want to return to normal life, free of shutdowns, economic devastation, and media-driven hysteria.
But now many in the government and certain employers want to force Texans to take a COVID vaccine before returning to work.
Texans for Vaccine Choice, along with medical freedom champion Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, are working hard to outlaw employee vaccine mandates, and to protect your rights! Senate Bill 968 would ban these mandates, and our team is working around the clock to further strengthen this bill. Rest assured, if this bill should fail to pass, Texans For Vaccine Choice will be seeing these businesses in court, immediately.
Petition Language:
Whereas: Texas is a beacon of medical freedom and medical privacy. And,Whereas: No Texan should be forced to inject a government mandated vaccine into their bodies to work in this state. And,
Whereas: Our elected officials MUST stand up against this unconstitutional violation of our rights.
We the undersigned petition the members of the Texas House, Senate, and statewide elected officials to pass and sign legislation BANNING employee vaccine mandates in the State of Texas!
No one should be coerced, or forced, to take a vaccine. COVID does not present a dire danger. If tested positive, there is over 99.9% chance of receovery. With treatment options, especially for medicines that have been around for decades, people recover. I am 76-years-old, definitely do not want the jab and definitely will not take it. To force someone to do so ,in order for them to keep their job, is tyrannical. Companies that do so eilther are ignorant of the actual need for such a dangerous injection, or they are determined to destroy their company.
My job here in San Antonio Accenture Federal Services has now decided to enforce the jab as some are quiet I will not and express my opinions. I believe it is wrong to put people’s livelyhood at risk just for enforcing a medical decision that some do not believe in. I’m a born raised Texan and believe Texas will do right in this as I was born having this mindset of self liberty. With the power of Texas I leave my faith in you. Thank you.
This needs to go a step further and ban routine PCR testing for those who are not vaccinated. Given the admission of the CDC that the vaccinated are also capable of transmitting the COVID-19 virus, it is discriminatory to require testing only for those who have not shown proof of vaccination. In fact, I would demand to remove any testing requirement! If one is sick, stay home until healthy again. If one is healthy, there is no need to be subjected to testing.
We should have the right to refuse ALL vaccines. It should not matter what the reason or belief is. Why does someone in mangement get to decide if your reason is approved or not? It is a simple yes or no. What happened to the HIPPA law?
My Austin based company is enforcing a vaccine mandate. What can I do? Will Texas stop them?
Our body our choice. We must not be forced to be injected. Where there is risk, there must be a choice. Please realize that we must all stand up to this tyranny. If we don’t stand up against, they will continue to force more and more mandates against. We will lose our freedoms. Please do everything in your power to stand for freedom.
Thank you!
Our body our choice. We must not be forced to be injected with a mandated vaccine in order to work in Texas. Where there is risk, there must be a choice. Please realize that we must all stand up to this tyranny. If we don’t stand up against it, they will continue to force more and more mandates against us. We will lose our freedoms.
Please do everything in your power to stand for freedom.
Thank you!
Our body our choice. We must not be forced to be injected with a mandated vaccine in order to work in Texas. Where there is risk, there must be a choice. Please realize that we must all stand up to this tyranny. If we don’t stand up against it, they will continue to force more and more mandates against us. We will lose our freedoms – medical freedoms, religious freedom and those of our constitutional freedoms.
Please do everything in your power to stand for truth, justice and freedom.
Thank you!
No Texan should be coerced into getting a medical treatment especially if they have already beat the virus with NO complications whatsoever. We are receiving emails asking to get it by our employers. I’m not sure what will happen when we do decline. This should not be happening, and our leadership needs to shield us from this tyranny.