From our July 31, 2018 Facebook Post:

⚠️ImmTrac Immunization Registry Action Alert & Consumer Warning!

If you or your child has been added to the ImmTrac system WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT or DSHS has failed to remove your records after you request they do so, please file a complaint with the Department of State Health Services ASAP!

You can file a complaint by e-mail to the attention of Manager, Immunization Branch at [email protected]

Texas law requires DSHS to keep record of these complaints and to report them to the Governor & House of Representatives by September of every even-numbered year. The last report claimed that NO COMPLAINTS HAD BEEN RECEIVED, which was surprising to us considering the number of complaints WE receive from Texas citizens.

For more ways to file a complaint & more information on the complaint-reporting process, click here:

Despite the fact that Texas enjoys an opt-in (consent required) immunization registry system, we consistently receive reports from individuals that they or their children have been added to this tracking system WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. The number of reports we are receiving has skyrocketed this summer & we are hearing from people who not only denied consent in writing on the state’s consent form BUT ALSO FROM PEOPLE WHO NEVER SAW A CONSENT FORM.

To find out if you are in the ImmTrac system, you can call the DSHS at (800) 252-9152.

⬇️Check out this first hand account from an Australian journalist who is faced with their new opt-out system:

“My decision to opt out comes after consulting several healthcare professionals, privacy and computer security experts, the government and patients who stand to benefit from having a record. I concluded that any benefit I would personally get from having a digital record would be negligible compared with the risks of it being accessed by unauthorised parties.”
