What are the important dates for the 2018 General Election?

Last day to register to vote in the November 6th General: October 9th
Early voting: October 22 – November 2
General Election Day: Tuesday, November 6

What House District and Senate District do I live in and who represents me?
Visit http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us and enter your address. You will find your state senator and your Senate District under “Texas State Senator” and your state representative and your House District number under “Texas State Representative”. Use these Senate District and House District numbers to find the TFVC-endorsed candidate in the list here.

How do I know if I am registered to vote?
If you can’t remember if you are already registered to vote, use the Am I Registered? website to confirm. All you need is a Texas Driver’s license to get started.

How do I register to vote?
You can register in person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. You can also register by mail by obtaining an application from your county Voter Registrar’s office or pick up applications at libraries, government offices, or high schools. The last day to register to vote in the November 6th General Election is October 9th.

When Texans register to vote, do they register for a certain party?
No. There are only registered voters in Texas. There is no party registration.

If I did not vote in the Primary Election, can I still vote in the General?
How and whether you voted in the Primary has no bearing on how or whether you vote in the November general election. Any registered voter can vote in the General Election.

How do I find my polling location?
Early Voting: Registered voters may vote at ANY early voting location located within your county of residence.
Election Day: On Election Day, you can vote ONLY at your assigned voting precinct. Please see this site for information on your specific precinct.

When do I vote?
Early voting: October 22 – November 2
General Election Day: Tuesday, November 6

How do I vote with a mail-in ballot?
To be eligible to vote early by mail in Texas, you must:
be 65 years of age or older; be disabled; be out of the country on election day and during the early voting period; or be confined in jail but otherwise eligible. Important: If your reason for voting by mail is absence from the county, the ballot must be mailed to an address outside the county.
Request an Application for a Ballot by Mail here

How can I choose pro-vaccine choice candidates?
See our Endorsed Candidate lists HERE!