The Most Powerful Man in Texas

If you were thinking that statement was a reference to the governor, you would be mistaken. The title of “the most powerful man in Texas” instead belongs to a someone you may have never heard of before: infamous Austin lobbyist, Mike Toomey.

“He is unquestionably the most powerful—and the most feared—nonelected person in Texas politics today.”

Texas Monthly

His time in Austin began as a state representative in the 80’s, where he gained a reputation for ruthless backroom deal-making. Since then, his career has been a revolving door between government appointments and lobbying for big industry. He frequently uses his political power to land lucrative deals for his lobby clients – which include pharma giant Merck – and plays puppet master to sitting governors.

Mike Toomey is now the Chief Operating Officer for Governor Abbott’s c-virus Strike Force.

Governor Toomey

Toomey served as Chief of Staff to Governor Bill Clements, where his powerful influence earned him the nickname “Governor Toomey.” He has since made a career of this unelected governorship of our state.

During Toomey’s time as a state representative, he developed a strong friendship with then fellow state representative Rick Perry, even convincing Perry to leave the democrat party and establish himself as a republican. As Perry’s career advanced to Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Toomey’s shadow influence over him remained. He became the leader of Perry’s unofficial “kitchen cabinet” group of advisors.

“Mr. Toomey was already a fixture in the corps of special interest representatives in Austin, known simply as ‘the Lobby.’ Such was their influence that their seating area in the State House was called ‘the owners’ box.'” 

The New York Times

The Enforcer

All of this occurred while Toomey ran the lobby firm he opened in 1990. The cocktail of industry influence and money flowing through Toomey into the legislature as he weaved in and out of government positions left a bad taste in the mouth of many elected officials.

“The Dark Knight: Mike Toomey”

“Whenever secretive deals swirl in the Capitol, Toomey is always the first suspect to come to mind among insiders, usually with good reason. “

Texas Monthly Magazine

“I didn’t have any client that I didn’t agree with philosophically about what they were doing. Just go through my client list. I don’t have clients I disagree with,” Toomey said in an interview.

Considering Merck is an outspoken advocate of mandatory vaccination AND a top Toomey client, we can guess exactly where Toomey stands on this issue, which is especially concerning as we face the prospect of a mandatory c-virus vaccine.

Toomey Orchestrated Vaccine Mandate Through Governor’s Executive Order

As Governor Perry’s Chief of Staff, Toomey influenced him to support legislation that was beneficial to his clients, even if the legislation contradicted Perry’s previously stated personal beliefs or traditional Republican Party ideals.

The most notorious example of this was Governor Perry’s disastrous Executive Order mandating Merck’s HPV vaccine for all Texas preteen girls in February of 2007. Merck spent $158,143 on its Gardasil lobbying efforts in Texas in the years leading up to the EO and donated at least $28,000 directly to Perry’s campaign.

Thankfully the legislature overturned the EO which stood to earn big bucks for both Merck and their favorite lobbyist Mike Toomey.

The ordeal remains known as Perry’s biggest political blunder to date.

Perry’s HPV Vaccine Mandate Scandal

“‘It came out pretty quick that Toomey had been paid several hundred thousand dollars to lobby for Merck, and as soon as we heard that, it was like, ‘OK, now we know what’s going on,’‘ former State Rep. Jim Dunnam says.”


Next: Toomey Orchestrates C-Virus Vaccine Mandate Through Abbott Executive Order?

With gubernatorial puppet master Toomey at the helm of Abbott’s c-virus Strike Force and the perpetually renewing emergency declaration giving the governor increased power through executive orders, we can safely assert that a state c-virus vaccine mandate is quickly approaching.

Abbott’s social media is inundated with Texans letting him know they have had it with his Executive Orders.

Texans are growing increasingly impatient with Abbott’s refusal to rescind mask mandates and restrictions on businesses. He seemingly ignores the reliable data indicating the death rate and hospitalizations are down and continue to fall, and instead chooses to base his policy decisions on unreliable testing data fraught with widely acknowledged inaccuracies.

During a press conference, Abbott laid out his most recent virus related restrictions stating that they would allow Texas to “safely reopen while we wait for the immunization that will end the threat of C0V1D-19.

Restrictions until a vaccine is available? Could it be that the latest Toomey-masterminded mandate plan is one that allows for restrictions to be removed ONLY if you have received the fast-tracked C0V1D vaccine?

TFVC President Rebecca Hardy recounts a shocking conversation she had with a Texas C0V1D vaccine trial participant recently. The participant proudly showed off a proof of vaccination card the trial participants received to excuse them from mask and social distancing requirements. This information seems to confirm that restrictions will remain for all who refuse a vaccine.

“With Toomey involved, all of Abbott’s maneuvers must be watched carefully.”

The Lonestar Project

If past behavior is the best indicator of future policies, the writing is on the wall for Texans as long as Toomey is calling the shots.

Tell Governor Abbott exactly how you feel about a C0V1D vaccine mandate by SIGNING OUR PETITION TO OPPOSE ABBOTT’S UPCOMING VACCINE MANDATE!