From our January 16, 2017 Facebook Post:

Last session, despite being behind the eight ball in politics and not knowing much about the legislative process, we quickly formed this group, and went on to help defeat 16 vaccine-related bills that would impact your vaccine CHOICE. What a HUGE learning curve! This year we are organized, prepared, have local chapters, friendlies in Austin legislators, and alliances with other freedom-loving groups. Being on the defensive wasn’t good enough – we are going on the offensive!

We are excited to share that Rep. Bill Zedler has filed OUR FIRST BILL, defining what Informed Consent to Immunization in Texas should be! After all, shouldn’t everyone know the benefits AND risks?

To clarify, this is not law yet, but don’t you think it should be? Bills have to be filed, then go through numerous committees, passed before House and Senate, and then onto the governor. Make sure your representatives know how you feel on vaccine issues so they will know how to vote.

If you would like to send a thank you note to him, here is his contact info:
Representative Bill Zedler

P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768

From Our January 18, 2017 Facebook Post:

Austin Regional Clinics announced sweeping changes to their immunization policies in June of 2015, firing anyone not 100% up to date on the CDC schedule. These clinics were some of the only places that accepted Medicaid patients who also chose different vaccine schedules. The policy changes left many central Texans without medical care.

But take heart! Representative Jeff Leach has a filed HB 1070 that would prohibit healthcare discrimination based on patient immunization status. A doctor who refuses patients based on immunization status would forfeit reimbursement through state assistance programs. BAM!

We are so blessed to have legislators who not only vote to strengthen personal liberties and informed consent in Austin but who also champion the cause and actually file bills to do away with patient discrimination! Please make sure your representatives support this bill!

Thank you, Representative Leach, for being a champion!

Please send thank you cards to:
Representative Jeff Leach
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768


From Our January 19, 2017 Facebook Post:


In today’s edition of Taking Back Our Rights …

We present HB 1124 by Representative Matthew Krause!

This bill would enable parents to print a blank exemption form directly from the DSHS website.

Currently, parents must go through a lengthy and cumbersome process to request the exemption affidavit from the Department of State Health Services. Then, once parents receive the exemption affidavit, pre-filled with their child’s information, they must have it notarized, and then turn it into their child’s school nurse. Current law prohibits the state from tracking individuals who request the exemption form, and parents should not have to prove their deeply-held beliefs to the state. So, there is no reason they should not be able to simply print a blank form themselves from the DSHS website.

We are so thankful for Rep. Krause’s committment to our cause! Parents should be able to easily exercise their religious and other deeply held beliefs without the current obstacles!

We are asking everyone to please send thank you cards again (isn’t it GREAT to be able to do this?) to:
Representative Matthew Krause
EXT E2.214
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768

#parentscalltheshots with a little help from their friendly legislators in Austin
#thechoiceshouldbeyours, not some lobbyi$t

From Our March 3, 2018 Facebook Post:

Good news, vaccine choice advocates!
Another bill that would advance YOUR rights was filed today in the Texas House!

Rep. Matt Schaefer’s HB 2874 addresses the weaknesses of the current statute regarding the information school districts are required to present when relaying school immunization recommendations. The current wording is vague and leaves the door open for misrepresentation of exemption laws, whether purposeful or accidental.

HB 2874 presents clear and concise instruction for the accurate communication of school immunization recommendations and exemptions and requires that exemption information be included on all forms of communication from school districts relating to immunization recommendations.

We are so thankful for Rep. Schaefer’s commitment to our cause. Parents and guardians should have accurate and fair information about their legal rights concerning school enrollment procedures.

Please send thank you notes to:
Rep. Matt Schaefer
Room E2.510
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768


See the full bill here: