From Our April 18, 2017 Facebook Post:

The opposition will stop at nothing to pass HB 2249, BUT as the parent of a medically fragile child myself, this bill is not only misguided, but completely misses the mark on providing information that would actually protect vulnerable children. Putting the emphasis solely on vaccination status gives parents a false sense of security when there are so many other factors that truly impact the health conditions of a campus.

HB 2249 will also create an atmosphere of panic and fear in otherwise peaceful, close-knit communities.

As the parent of three amazing children- two healthy and one medically fragile- it is incomprehensible to me to suggest putting two in the line of fire to protect the one. ALL are equally worthy of protection. ALL are equally worthy of access to FULL and complete medical privacy while attending school.

#parentscalltheshots #thechoiceshouldbeyours #medicalprivacy