Keller, TX. February 1,2024 – Texans for Vaccine Choice has released its 2024 Primary Voting Guide for Texas Legislative races. The incumbents included in the list were chosen based on their voting record, committee assignments, and history of collaboration with our organization. Recommended challengers were vetted based on their responses to a candidate survey, as well as their history of public statements or actions indicating a support of medical liberty.

TFVC supporters throughout the state expect that we hold incumbents and challengers to the highest of standards possible; they crave legislative champions who are willing to be bold and fearless in defense of medical liberty, even – and especially – when the issue isn’t politically expedient. 

We are confident that the candidates we have recommended are committed to protecting informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice – the three fundamental principles upon which our organization was founded in 2015, and the issues which continue to guide our every decision.

Paul Bettencourt SD-7 (I)
Angela Paxton SD-8 (I)
Phil King SD-10 (I)
Tan Parker SD-12 (I)
Donna Campbell SD-25 (I)
Jace Yarbrough SD-30 **

Dale Huls HD-1
Brent Money HD-2
Josh Feuerstein HD-4
Brian Harrison HD-10 (I)
Steve Toth HD-15 (I)
Will Metcalf HD-16 (I)
Tom Glass HD-17
Janis Holt HD-18
David Covey HD-21
Cody Vasut HD-25 (I)
Matt Morgan HD-26 
AJ Louderback HD-30**
Katrina Pierson HD-33
JM Lozano HD-43 (I)
Alan Schoolcraft HD-44*
Greg Switzer HD-44*
Wes Virdell HD-53**
Devvie Duke HD-56**
Richard Hayes HD-57 (I)
Helen Kerwin HD-58
Mike Olcott HD-60
Chuck Branch HD-61*
Keresa Richardson HD-61*
Shelley Luther HD-62
Ben Bumgarner HD-63 (I)
Andy Hopper HD-64
Mitch Little HD-65
Wayne Richard HD-66
Kerri Kingsbery HD-68
James Frank HD-69 (I)
Joe Collins HD-70
Liz Case HD-71
Dayo David HD-76*
Lea Simmons HD-76*
David Lowe HD-91
Nate Schatzline HD-93 (I)
Tony Tinderholt HD-94 (I)
Jack Reynolds HD-99
Barry Wernick HD-108
Aimee Ramsey HD-114
Marc Lahood HD-121 
Mark Dorazio HD-122 (I)
Briscoe Cain HD-128 (I)
John Perez HD-133 
Valoree Swanson HD-150 (I)

I = incumbent
= dual recommendation
** = open seat

Contact: [email protected]

About Texans for Vaccine Choice

TFVC exists to protect and advance informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice for all Texans. Learn more about Texans for Vaccine Choice here:

1540 Keller Parkway, Ste. 108 #166, Keller, TX 76248 | [email protected]
