The biggest convention of the year is next week!

As the 2024 Republican Party of Texas (RPT) State Convention approaches, Texans for Vaccine Choice is gearing up to promote medical liberty in San Antonio. TFVC is calling on delegates to join the fight to strengthen the Vaccine Choice Plank in the Party Platform and garner the necessary support to make Vaccine Choice policy priority for the party as we head into the next legislative session.

The proposed language for the Vaccine Choice Plank and Legislative Priority focuses on the importance of protecting individual rights and autonomy in medical decision-making. In particular, these proposals seek to:

– Ban all vaccine mandates by both public and private entities.

– Safeguard Texans’ employment opportunities by preventing discrimination based solely on vaccination status.

– Ensure equal access to education for students regardless of vaccination status.

– Prohibit the denial of public services or benefits based on vaccination status.

– Guarantee access to emergency or life-saving medical care irrespective of vaccination status.

– Reject any attempts to mandate or coerce medical procedures, including vaccines and masks, on Texans.

– Uphold the right of Texans to utilize the Texas Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience Affidavit without facing scrutiny or adverse consequences.

Texans have the right to make choices regarding their health and well-being without undue influence or risk of adverse action. By advocating for these measures, TFVC hopes to protect individual freedoms and uphold the principle of informed consent in medical decision-making. 

As TFVC prepares to engage with delegates and stakeholders at the RPT State Convention, they call on all supporters of medical liberty to stand united in support of vaccine choice. Together, we can send a clear message that Texans value individual rights and autonomy in matters of health and medical decision-making.

The RPT State Convention presents a crucial opportunity to advance the cause of medical liberty and ensure that Texans’ voices are heard. With your support, TFVC is ready to lead the charge in advocating for vaccine choice and defending the rights of all Texans. Join us in this important fight for freedom and individual sovereignty.

If you are attending make sure to stop by our booth! We are Booth 418, on the left hand side, facing the super aisle. Look out for updates from Team TFVC as the week progresses.