With that comes 140 days of the vital mission of protecting and advancing YOUR rights as individuals, as parents, and as citizens of this great state.

We are well aware of the uphill battle that is ahead of us. Authoritarians have poured millions into campaigns to ensure that THEIR rights to cancel, censor, and coerce you are the only ones that are advanced under the pink dome this Session.

TFVC has always prided ourselves in our relentless work ethic, our commitment to the truth, and our eternally optimistic warrior spirit. This started earlier this year with the launch of the TFVC Vaccine Choice Protection Pledge that informed Voter Guides for every election, carried over into our statewide, multi-county speaking tour, and resulted in the adoption of a very robust medical liberty plank at the Republican Party of Texas State Convention this summer.

Team TFVC has done the work to prepare for the battle ahead. We are as prepared as we can be, and, with numerous Sessions under our belt, are able to pivot much more quickly as the Session often requires.

Today we invite YOU to lock arms with us. Find your role – volunteer, donate, show up, testify – the opportunities are endless! More than that, PRAY. Pray that God will remove all roadblocks from our protective bills passing, that freedom will be advanced during the legislative session, and that all bills that infringe on your vaccine choice rights would be stopped.

It’s an honor to be in this battle with you,