Michelle Evans
Michelle Evans is a married mother of three and long-time advocate for families and freedom in Texas. She has fought for special needs families through her work with Thinking Moms’ Revolution and Autism Media Channel, and was a Research Assistant for the groundbreaking documentary “Vaxxed”. More recently, she ran a hard-fought grassroots campaign for Texas House. Her most significant and fulfilling work, however, was done on behalf of parents and children across Texas when she and two other moms founded Texans for Vaccine Choice in 2015. That year, she spent nearly every day of the legislative session knocking on doors of Senators and Representatives, testifying in committee hearings, organizing events and making connections with staffers and elected officials. She also served as the organization’s first Communications Director and was an original member of the Board of Directors.
So DISAPOINTING! Where’s Phelan’s grade?
Here is the explanation as to why House Speaker Phelan lacks a score for this session.
We can’t continue on this way. I recently went to the doctor for a routine checkup and am still being told I should get a covid 19 vaccine? Why? Money? Fear of job loss? Big Pharma pays doctors more for pushing this garbage? What is it?
All of the above, including bonuses for Medicare/Medicaid payment based on percentages of patients vaccinated
When I clicked on my reps name, I expected to see information giving the specific votes he cast. It’s difficult for me to share with people why they need to quit voting for this rep and why they deserved a low grade (which my rep certainly did!) without having specifics that explains their grade.
Here is an explanation about how we arrived at these scores:
Well said. We need to know how they voted on specific items.
Disappointed to see Schwertner’s B- Guess he was too busy drinking and chasing interns to pay attention to this vital issue!
The Legislative scorecard exposes yet again the fully pathetic outcomes of our elections, a combination of average heedless voters alongside the soul-less criminals who manipulate outcomes. Failure to honor the hard-fought legal statures of our country and our state has us undone to this persistent consequence.
Phelan was so bad he didn’t even get a score. Go figure.
Here is the explanation as to why House Speaker Phelan lacks a score for this session.
It is the prerogative of the Speaker to not vote on items before the house since his only required vote is to break a tie. This way his home district has no representation of their opinions, except in the willful decisions he makes to thwart the Texas Republican Party platform and priorities by assigning committee chairpersons and members. He suppresses Bills by his dictatorial rule of the house and by his directions to his lieutenants. Therefore he avoids any recorded votes against the wishes of his constituents. But he can vote on a Bill (or Impeachment) if he chooses to show his support. Look for those rare votes.
I didn’t see a grade next to Dade Phelan. Why is that? At a minimum doesn’t he have a record on his procedural decisions regarding vaccine choice. Maybe I filtered it incorrectly.
Here is the explanation as to why House Speaker Phelan lacks a score for this session.
The very few A’s are to be lauded and celebrated for these individuals have not co towed to the ideological and politico-financial dictates which are so prevalent and seem to have completely taken over our state (and federal) regime. Hat tip and gratitude to each and every one of them!!! BUT: the overwhelming number of F’s, D’s, and C-‘s…what a piss-poor testament to our state. Shameful. What happened to the majority of “representatives” of US, THE TAXPAYING PEOPLE? I am disgusted with this analysis prepared by TFVC because it reflects the ugly reality in our state – namely, that Constitutional values, individual rights and liberties, no longer matter much. Shame on every single taxpayer-money paid individual listed who continuously, repeatedly, and almost deliberately, FAILS TO HONOR HIS/HER OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS!!! No more leniency for unconstitutional, illegal, unethical actions by elected public serpents, eh, servants. This MUST be addressed. Thank you, TFVC, for your work!
I wanted to see what Phelan’s rating was but there wasn’t one. I was heartened however by reading elsewhere that he was not doing well in recent polls and had been censured and may be censured again soon. Removal would solve a large percentage of the house’s problems.
Here is the explanation as to why House Speaker Phelan lacks a score for this session.
A Polish author (I don’t remember the name) commented on the safety of vaccines: Vaccines should be tested on politicians. If politicians live — vaccines are safe. If politicians die — the country is safe. That pretty much wraps it up.
Dr. Kulisz, are you going to Austin with us next time to bring some syringes? I will assist in the effort to share the shots beginning with all the F-rated politicians. Obviously mere sarcasm, yet a terrible testimony to the state of the State.
Love this idea!
When I write to my representative, he aggressively assures me that he is very conservative. But yet again, he scores a solid “C” from an independent source. I’d like to write him once more and complain about his pathetic performance on this topic but don’t understand the detailed report. Please explain the meaning of the “+”, “-“, and blank entries for each bill. The “absent” is self-explanatory. Thank you; and thank you for all that you do for medical freedom.
Thank you TFVC for your steadfast liberty focus. I hope you also consider a Senate list. I’m proud my SD18 senator authored many bills. One bill I’ll highlight: SB1024 (18-12 vote) omnibus medical freedom, ‘never heard’ in the House-State Affairs, chair Rep Todd Hunter(R).
Perhaps add weight to your ratings for committee chair’s actions/inactions.