We cannot wait to see YOU at TFVC’s 5th Freedom Fight!

Wednesday, January 25
South Steps, Texas Capitol

If this is going to be your first time visiting our state Capitol, take a few minutes to review our Capitol Survival Guide to become more familiar with the ins and outs of getting around, parking, restrooms, etc.!

Now that we’ve got those basics out of the way, let’s talk about our phenomenal line-up of speakers!! Of course, Del Bigtree likely needs no introduction and he is our featured speaker for the day! If you’ve never had the privilege of seeing Del speak in person, get ready for some fire and passion; he doesn’t hold back and will inspire you to keep up the fight against Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government.

In addition to Del, we are privileged to have medical liberty advocates from across the country who will share emotional and mind-blowing stories from the front lines. Throughout the event, we will also be introducing you to the dedicated legislators who are working overtime to file legislation to protect you and your family from medical overreach!

But, this event is truly all about YOU, our TFVC family! We want to honor your stories, celebrate your efforts, amplify your voices, and connect with you. To that end, we are encouraging attendees to arrive early on Wednesday (between 11am and noon). Bring a picnic lunch to the South Lawn of the Capitol grounds and enjoy fellowship with fellow warriors for medical liberty!

Other important details for the day:

Dress: The weather looks amazing! Perhaps a bit chilly but sunny nonetheless. We will have beanies and scarves available (suggested donation appreciated) so we’ve got your weather gear covered! Wear your Freedom Fight shirt, any other TFVC shirt, or red on Wednesday.

Signs and swag: In addition to beanies and scarves, we will have pre-made rally signs, buttons, and other FREE items for you, but get there early, supplies are limited. You are, of course, welcome to bring your own rally signs as well. There will be a table set up outside the East gate for you to gear up for the rally. We will also have a tent on the South Lawn with signs and such, but scarves and beanies will be available exclusively at the East gate table.

Moment of Silence: As in years past, we will have a formal recognition of the impact of vaccine injuries on families across Texas by holding a moment of silence for the injured. We invite you to bring photos so we can honor your loved ones. 

After the Rally: You will have the opportunity to visit the offices of your elected officials. We will even provide you with educational materials to distribute. Plan ahead by looking up your State Representative and State Senator in advance HERE. To find their offices, please refer to the directories posted throughout the building. Team up and make it fun!