A Necessary Defense of Vaccine Choice

A Response to: Texas lawmakers again take aim at vaccines with petty, dangerous bills by the San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board

As the Texas Legislature grapples with public health policies, the conversation has again emerged surrounding medical liberty and the proper role of government in vaccination decisions. While those in legacy media eagerly label organizations like Texans for Vaccine Choice (TFVC) with pejoratives like “anti-vaccine,” “nefariously dangerous,” and “threats to public health,” the objective truth is far less headline-grabbing and far more simple – government exists to protect individual liberties to the maximum extent possible, and medical liberty is no exception.

Ten years ago, TFVC was founded on the idea that Texans, not their government, are best equipped to make decisions about vaccines for themselves and their minor children. This principle is enshrined in the very fabric of our democracy and even more so in the Texan identity, which values personal freedom and individual autonomy. TFVC advocates for these very rights by focusing on legislative measures that empower individuals and families to make the best decisions for their health without government interference.

Informed consent – the right to accept or decline a medical intervention without coercion – is a cornerstone of medical ethics.  Yet vaccines, for which manufacturers enjoy massive profits along with complete immunity from liability, are often administered without regard for true informed consent

While public health policies often operate with the best of intentions, it is essential to recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination, or any medical procedure for that matter, is unrealistic and unethical. Personal health conditions, risk factors, and individual beliefs ought to be taken into account when creating and implementing vaccination policy. 

No matter how many times the media says it, TFVC is not opposed to vaccines; rather, we are dedicated to ensuring that vaccine policies are fair, transparent, and respectful of individual rights. 

The growing distrust in government health “experts” since the COVID pandemic cannot be ignored. An increasing portion of the population no longer blindly trusts that government institutions always act in the best interests of the public. . Texans have learned that science is not only always indisputable, but also subject to bias and monetary influence. 

While the San Antonio Express News Editorial Board seems to take issue with the term “freedom,” the idea that Texans should have the freedom to decide whether or not to vaccinate themselves or their children, and on what schedule, is no longer fringe or controversial. More and more Texans now embrace “vaccine choice” as a core individual liberty.

In a rapidly changing world where new health threats continually emerge, it is vital that we retain the freedom to make decisions that align with our values and individual needs. TFVC proudly advocates for the preservation of medical liberty, including the right to make personal health decisions without undue influence from the government or other entities, It is only when medical liberty is protected that trust between the public and policymakers is able to be restored.

TFVC has only ever existed to protect and advance medical privacy, informed consent and vaccine choice; these goals do not contradict sound public health policy. In fact, such policies must rely upon these pillars of liberty and personal responsibility in order to be effective.  

Rebecca Hardy
TFVC President

This response article was submitted to the San Antonio Express News for publishing:

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