5 thoughts on “Do Viruses Exist?”

  1. Thank you for interviewing Mark. The “virus” question was answered for me when I tried to find a study that showed transmission. If viruses are so contagious, then there would be many studies showing how this transmission happens. Those studies simply do not exist. Not only to they not exist, the many studies attempting to show transmission actually show 0 transmission. The first study in 1918 by Major Rosenau showed no transmission. A similar study conducted on the West coast also failed to show any transmission from the sick to the healthy while scientists were actually watching. Many studies after these also failed to show any transmission under scientific conditions. Daniel Roytas has written a good book exposing these many studies in his book “Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments”

  2. Sweet interview, thanks for bringing on Dr. Mark Bailey to discuss this incredibly important topic. Thank you for being pro-science, even if people who don’t know what they’re talking about try to label you “anti-science.” Real facts and evidence will eventually win.

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