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Harvard Professor Calls for More Attention to Vaccine-Related Injuries

A Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health professor who assisted in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine appeared on the STAT News’ First Opinion podcast and stated that individuals suffering from vaccine-related injuries should receive more attention and empathy.

While discussing an article that she originally penned on June 11th, Kizzmekia Corbett-Helaire reasserted her belief that those who have been harmed by vaccines should be heard and respected. 

“People who speak out about how they feel after getting a vaccine should not be dismissed or assumed to be anti-vaxxers. They deserve empathy from their doctors and other health care providers, as well as from those who set and drive vaccine policy,” wrote Helaire.

The vaccinologist continued by outlining the methods healthcare professionals should use when dealing with patients facing such ailments, including enhanced guidelines for communication and reporting of vaccine-induced afflictions. Additionally, Helaire called for more extensive investigations into the causes of these injuries by the scientific community. 

This is a welcome change in rhetoric from what is commonly espoused by the medical mafia, which usually includes complete disregard for vaccine-related injuries and the assertion that they are safe and effective. In the big-pharma-funded medical community, concerns and hesitation over vaccines are often scoffed at, and any deviation from accepted “expert” standards generally causes one to be unfairly labeled as an “anti-vaxxer.”

It’s promising to see such empathetic views toward those suffering vaccine side effects from such a prominent character within the industry.

Texans for Vaccine Choice believes that vaccine-related injuries should be taken seriously, vaccine companies should be held accountable, and legal barriers protecting them from said accountability should be eliminated. 

Additionally, and above all, TFVC respects vaccine CHOICE. Texans should have the liberty to make their own medical decisions and not be coerced, forced, or mandated to undergo such treatment.

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