Texans for Vaccine Choice emerged in 2015 as a diverse army of apolitical mothers, fathers, grandparents and other concerned citizens throughout the state. We worked diligently to communicate with all elected officials, regardless of party, to protect Texans from vaccine tyranny. From that session – when we were labeled “mad moms in minivans” by legislators who found themselves on the receiving end of a constant barrage of informed and passionate emails and phone calls – to this day we have remained mission-focused and driven by these grassroots Texans.

Tens of thousands of people in our great state have dedicated their lives to the cause of medical liberty and vaccine choice; it is their small-dollar donations, their participation in action alerts, and their personal stories that serve as the foundation of our organization and what motivates us to be effective advocates. 

TFVC does not exist to prop up any politician; rather, we exist to give our supporters a voice and to keep them updated in real time about what is happening in Austin. As far as our elected officials are concerned, we give credit where it is due, but don’t shy away from holding them accountable for actions taken that hinder our movement. Put simply, we tell it like it is.

Unfortunately, sometimes these legislators don’t want you to know what is going on behind-the-scenes. Recently, Representatives have circled the wagons on social media to protect their reputations after TFVC contacted their voter base to let people know the role they played in killing good legislation during the regular session. Instead of owning up to the truth, they chose to call our statewide coalition of liberty-minded Texans a “fake group” performing “cheap tricks”, implying that all we do is “confuse” voters in order to stoke misplaced anger. They are trying desperately to rewrite history and cover up their egregious inaction.

We also have state reps telling constituents that the painfully slow action in the Texas House on SB7 is due to the House having “specific rules and procedures they have to follow that were set up by our founders”. To them we say: we have watched as these rules and procedures were suspended when convenient or politically expedient, we have witnessed the House gavel in and out within minutes instead of doing the business they have been elected to do. There is simply no valid excuse – and, frankly, no time – for idleness during a time-restricted special session.

Let us be clear – YOU are the reason TFVC has been able to accomplish so much in the past nine years and no politician can legitimately deny that – unless he or she is trying to obscure their own failures. And when these politicians fail, whether they do so with intent or not, your anger and distrust is not only valid, but worthy of sharing with them. They deserve to know when you are disappointed in their actions just as much as they deserve to know when you are proud of their record. 

TFVC will never apologize for encouraging voters to contact their elected officials to ask them to do the right thing, and we won’t bend to pressure from legislators who attempt to rewrite history or want you silenced.

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