The deadline for bill filing in both the House and the Senate was last Friday and we are happy to announce that a record number of Medical Liberty bills have been filed!

While this is just the first step in protecting Medical Liberty, it is a signal that TFVC supporters and voters are being heard by their elected officials!

These bills don’t just deal with medical mandates, either. There are bills to prohibit patient discrimination, honor those veterans who were discharged for exercising their right to informed consent, require accuracy in exemption information provided by public schools, and more!

One thing is clear: Medical Liberty is a priority for many legislators. The tide is turning, and for once, it’s turning in our favor! 

TFVC extends a special thank you to our bill authors:

In the House: 
Rep. Swanson
Rep. Harrison
Rep. Leach
Rep. Vasut
Rep. Noble
Rep. Hefner
Rep. Hunter
Rep. Lozano
Rep. Frank
Rep. Toth
Rep. Schaefer
Rep. Schatzline
Rep. Tinderholt
Rep. Burrows
Rep. Cain

In the Senate:
Sen. Hall
Sen. Middleton
Sen. Kolkhorst
Sen. Birdwell
Sen. Perry
Sen. Paxton
Sen. Springer