My dad has always cautioned me to be aware of the fact that although perception and reality are two very different things, that difference often does not matter in the real world. A person’s perception IS reality to them, no matter how far removed from the truth.

It should be no surprise that there are those out there who seek to shape public perception for their own gain. All that is needed to gain whatever they are seeking – money, power, influence, etc. – is to ensure that the majority of people see things in ways that benefit them.

Public behavior and attitudes are easily shaped when you identify an enemy and marginalize it, present that enemy as somehow a threat to the public, and then present yourself/your idea/your product as the solution. You must influence public perception of you, the enemy, and the solution as much as possible, no matter the reality.

In order for those that profit from promoting mass vaccination to gain more money, more power, more influence, etc., they must identify the thing that stands in their way, label it the enemy and marginalize it, and present it as somehow a threat to the public. They must influence public perception of themselves, the enemy, and their solution, no matter the reality.

If you are a person who values informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice, the enemy is YOU. You must be marginalized, made to be a threat to the public, no matter the reality.

How must you be perceived in order for their reality to take hold?

Playboy Bunny
Conspiracy Theorist
Bad Parent
Bad Citizen

Voila! You have been labeled and marginalized! No one is going to listen to crazy, selfish, anti-science, bad parent YOU.

What is Playboy Bunny, fanatical, crackpot you’s threat to the public?

You are a threat to public health.
You carry disease.
You spread disease.
You are a threat to their mythical, never-existent herd immunity.
You kill babies.
You kill cancer patients.
You’re going to bring back polio.
You want to dismantle modern medicine.
You will cause society to collapse.
You can’t be around my newborn.

And most importantly, YOU DON’T CARE AT ALL about any of it and you must be stopped!

Since conspiracy theorist, reckless, uneducated you is a threat to society, herd immunity, babies, and modern medicine, and YOU DON’T CARE AT ALL, there is only one way to stop you: forced compliance.

And the masses will cheer all the way because this perception is their reality. But what is THE reality?

Who are we REALLY? We are…

Current Vaxxers
Delayed Vaxxers
Health Conscious
Highly Educated
Healthcare Professionals
Truth Seekers
Devoted Parents
Vaccine Injured
Warrior Parents
Warrior Siblings
Socially Conscious

What do we want for ourselves and the rest of the population? We want transparency from the medical and scientific communities. We want honesty in the media. We want our fellow citizens to be healthy and prosperous. We value integrity, justice, and individuality.

“Let that sink in for a minute: the ‘Anti-Vax Crackpots’ (an actual term used by the media) are largely the people who showed up, followed the rules without question, vaccinated according to schedule and then their children were permanently harmed. They are not the tin-foil-hat-wearing-anti-science-moms this PR campaign would have everyone believe. The rest of the ‘Crackpots’ are those who saw it happen to others and, as a result, were inspired to do their own research before blindly consenting to the CDC’s bloated schedule. Once they have researched and learned that chronic illnesses, permanent disabilities and deaths are all acknowledged and listed as potential side-effects on vaccine package inserts, some parents have chosen to forgo some or all future vaccines for their children. Others vaccinate selectively or slower than what the CDC would want. All of these folks are lumped under the polarizing ‘Anti-Vax’ label and made out to be a selfish, societal threat.”                                – From Sticks and Stones (TFVC blog by Sunny Polito)

We don’t have a secret agenda. We don’t have a profit to earn or power to gain. Many of our children could be considered the canaries in the coal mine – they have stories and we want you to hear them. We have warnings, and we want you to heed them.

We have a mission – and we want you to join us.