We are excited to announce that significant actions were taken yesterday in each chamber on identical bills that TFVC fully supports. 

These bills, both titled the TEXAS COVID VACCINE FREEDOM ACT, would ensure informed consent for ALL Texans in regards to the COVID jabs. While we understand there are concerns regarding the limited scope of the bill, there is an extremely important component of this Act we cannot ignore – when these bills pass, informed consent will not only be recognized, but also codified into law. TFVC will use this foundation of medical liberty to continuously build and strengthen our protections. Additionally, TFVC’s philosophy is to support any bill that moves the ball down the field. Just like Big Pharma has their long game, so does TFVC. 

So what happened yesterday?
Rep. Harrison’s HB 81 received a crucial favorable committee vote in the House Public Health Committee. An overwhelming and bipartisan majority of committee members voted “yes” to pass this on to the next step in the legislative process.
Sen. Middleton’s SB 177 was voted favorably in the full Senate on second reading yesterday and again on third reading today! This third reading means this bill heads over to the House!

What’s next for these bills?
We hope that Chairwoman Klick takes swift action on SB 177 when it is received by the Public Health Committee that she chairs. 
The House Calendars Committee must also act swiftly on HB 81. This bill cannot experience any delays!

Other Legislative Updates:
HB 1105 by Representative Price was heard in the Public Health Committee yesterday. We alerted you to this bill over the weekend and you responded in a BIG WAY! We are pleased to announce that out of the 133 public comments received, only TWO were in support of this bill. You can read all of the comments here. Even a majority of the verbal testimony given at the hearing was in opposition to this unnecessary expansion of pharmacists’ responsibilities. 

We will continue to keep our eye on this piece of legislation to ensure its ultimate defeat. Thank you for making your voices heard!!