Senator Drew Springer – In an attempt to increase transparency and strengthen informed consent, Senator Springer filed SB 403, which would task the state with performing a study on the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. We, at TFVC, cheered this unprecedented effort to expose adverse events related to the COVID jab. However, we knew that not only did the original draft need a bit of massaging to ensure reliable data, SB 403 needed to be part of the package of TFVC-supported bills; after all, studies don’t end mandates!

TFVC worked closely with Sen. Springer’s office to make thoughtful recommendations to create a much stronger bill and to our delight nearly all of these suggestions were adopted in a Committee Sub presented during the bill’s hearing on March 22nd. We are so grateful for Sen. Springer’s leadership on this bill and his willingness to not only prompt an open discussion about vaccine side effects, but work with TFVC to ensure that this bill will be instrumental in bolstering informed consent for Texans.