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Navy Set to Exonerate Sailors Who Refused COVID-19 Vaccine Thanks to Lawsuit Settlement

The United States Navy has agreed to expunge records of sailors who declined the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds as part of a lawsuit settlement reached last week. This resolution, finalized on July 25th, arrives almost three years after the lawsuit’s original filing. It stipulates that the Navy will amend the records of sailors who declined the vaccine due to religious objections, as per First Liberty Institute—a legal organization dedicated to religious freedom that initiated the lawsuit on behalf of numerous Navy SEALs and special forces personnel.

The lawsuit, which later evolved into a class-action suit, represents thousands of sailors. Last year, the Navy reported that nearly 2,000 sailors had been separated from service for refusing the vaccine.

The settlement not only aims to protect the careers of these sailors but also mandates that promotion boards must disregard any negative information solely related to the refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine in cases where a religious accommodation had been requested.

Danielle Runyan, Chair of the Military Practice Group and Senior Counsel at First Liberty Institute, remarked, “This has been a long and arduous journey, but the Navy SEALs remained resolute. We are delighted that those Navy members who adhered to their conscience and faith will not suffer career repercussions.”

Under the terms of the settlement, the Navy is required to re-evaluate the personnel records of all affected members to ensure that any records of administrative separation, formal counseling, or non-judicial punishment related exclusively to vaccine non-compliance are permanently removed.

Furthermore, the Navy has agreed to implement additional training for commanders responsible for reviewing religious accommodation requests, issue a statement affirming its commitment to honoring the religious beliefs of its service members, and cover $1.5 million in legal fees.

Initially, in October 2021, the Navy announced its intention to separate sailors who did not comply with the Department of Defense’s vaccine mandate. Subsequently, a federal judge issued an injunction in January 2022 to prevent the Navy from penalizing these Navy SEALs and special forces members, an injunction that was later upheld by both the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court and the Supreme Court.

American soldiers, who so honorably put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms, should never be subjected to unconstitutional and tyrannical vaccine mandates. This rightfully decided settlement serves as a sign of a long-overdue but promising change of pace in the treatment of those who value medical liberty. 

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