Last Wednesday, Rep. Brian Harrison refiled the Texas COVID Freedom Act to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates. 

The bill was first filed in January 2023, but it was not passed by the Texas Legislature. Harrison has refiled this legislation now for the second time this session and promises to file it in every special session to come.

The Texas COVID Vaccine Freedom Act would prohibit state and local governments, as well as businesses and medical providers, from requiring people to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The bill would also prohibit employers from requiring employees to get vaccinated as a condition of employment. 

By codifying informed consent, this bill recognizes that no one is able to fully consent to a medical procedure like the COVID vaccine if there are factors outside of personal health, such as access to a service or continued employment, influencing a person’s decision.

Harrison has said that he is refiling the bill because he believes that “medical freedom is worth fighting for.”

We couldn’t agree more! 

Nobody should ever be forced to take big pharma’s products in order to make a living. 

During the regular session, Texans for Vaccine Choice fought for the passage of SB 177 to ban all COVID mandates. As the clock struck midnight on the final day that bills could pass, the Texas House let this crucial bill die. 

Now following the first of presumably many special sessions, TFVC will stand with Rep. Harrison and fight to pass the Texas COVID Freedom Act. 

Sign our petition urging the Governor to put medical liberty on a special session call here!