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URGENT: Sign the Petition to Help Advance Vaccine Choice in the Last 30 Days of Session

The Texas legislature is entering the final stretch, and your lawmakers need to hear from you!

TFVC and its army of activists have been very engaged in the legislative process, and the fruits of our labor are already apparent! There are several bills that need to be moved in the next two weeks, or we’ll be left unprotected from continued overreach.

As a concerned citizen, the decision to receive any vaccine should be a personal choice, free from coercion or pressure from employers, educational institutions, or government entities.

And the government should protect individuals from receiving medical treatment against their will! Vaccine mandates violate the fundamental right to bodily autonomy and medical liberty and have NO place in Texas!

Bills like SB 177 that would protect Texans’ rights to make their own healthcare decisions and prevent overreach need your support. Sign the petition to tell your lawmakers to take swift action on this bill and other medical liberty measures today!

Once you sign, please share with others and ask them to put YOUR name in the “Referred by” field to be entered into a chance to win one of three autographed books by Dr. Malone! Each referral is another chance to win!

It’s Time for Medical Liberty in Texas!

WHEREAS: Texans have lived under a cloud of forced or coerced vaccinations for years; and

WHEREAS: Informed consent is a basic human right that’s been ignored to mandate, force and coerce medical testing, vaccinations, mask-wearing; and

WHEREAS: Withholding medical care or services based on vaccine status is, on its face, discriminatory;

THEREFORE: On behalf of Texans facing the threat of continued pressure to undergo vaccination, I insist you pass legislation upholding my medical liberty. Texans for Vaccine Choice will keep me informed of your actions!


31 thoughts on “URGENT: Sign the Petition to Help Advance Vaccine Choice in the Last 30 Days of Session”

  1. Choice should be made between a patient and their personal doctor, not bureaucrats. Texas must remain free for those who want to live the choices that they make, just as God has proclaimed that we shall.

  2. Cathryn Johnston

    I did NOT take any of the Covid 19 shots, due to the fact that I have a Neurological issue. I also have severe allergies, including food allergies. Back in the late 1960’s, I had the Hong Kong flue, extremely bad, and was off work for 2 weeks.
    My question is, why are the CDC, NIH and other health groups looking at the Hong Kong Flu and Covid 19, for comparison? Could it be possible, that since I have the allergy issue as well as having the Hong Kong Flu, that I may be immune to Covid?

  3. I filled out the form correctly. It won’t go through-says my email is “invalid”, which is not accurate. It is valid! Please correct so the petition I signed will go through. Thank you

  4. Medical freedom is as important as freedom of speech. An individual must have autonomy of their own bodies.

  5. Victoria I. Fowler

    Government should protect individuals from receiving any medical treatment against their will! Vaccine mandates violate the fundamental right to bodily autonomy and medical liberty and have NO place in Texas!
    There shall be no repercussions of any kind from any group or government regarding an individuals decision for any refusing any vaccine or any medical procedures, unless specifically denied by law.
    My body. My choice. ALWAYS.

  6. URGENT: Sign the Petition to Help Advance Vaccine Choice in the Last 30 Days of Session

    As a concerned citizen, the decision to receive any vaccine should be a personal choice, free from coercion or pressure from employers, educational institutions, or government entities.

    And the government should protect individuals from receiving medical treatment against their will! Vaccine mandates violate the fundamental right to bodily autonomy and medical liberty and have NO place in Texas!

    Bills like SB 177 that would protect Texans’ rights to make their own healthcare decisions and prevent overreach need your support. Sign the petition to tell your lawmakers to take swift action on this bill and other medical liberty measures today!

    It’s Time for Medical Liberty in Texas!

    WHEREAS: Texans have lived under a cloud of forced or coerced vaccinations for years; and

    WHEREAS: Informed consent is a basic human right that’s been ignored to mandate, force and coerce medical testing, vaccinations, mask-wearing; and

    WHEREAS: Withholding medical care or services based on vaccine status is, on its face, discriminatory;

    THEREFORE: On behalf of Texans facing the threat of continued pressure to undergo vaccination, I insist you pass legislation upholding my medical liberty. Texans for Vaccine Choice will keep me informed of your actions!

  7. Roger Kaiyala

    The covid vaccines don’t work and cause much harm and death. Even if they were safe and effective it is still the individuals right to decide to take the shots. That right has been usurped by politicians bowing to the evil money of Big Pharma. The politicians are in place to serve the best interests of the people they represent. When they serve big money and personal power they are serving satan.

  8. kimberly ingram

    Because of ALL the research coming out from the last three years, proving that the poison death shot is nothing but a poison death shot, and other like shots are almost as bad, it really shocks me that this is even an issue. Mask wearing has done nothing but break down health of those stupid enough to comply. ALL the shots should be suspended, and NONE of them should be “required” as that would be considered COERCION which is ILLEGAL.

  9. Blessed Court

    All of those VAX/boosters should be stopped immediatley. This is going to impact our population for years to come. Lets look at what the REAL DATA says…laregest number of cancer, aids and heart attacks are up. We have to be more diligent in our critical thinking people.

  10. This was avast disappointment in the Abbott administration! Closing schools, places of business separating elderly from family and most of all mandating vaccines that were never proven safe and preventing doctors from treating patients & performing surgeries should be considered criminal offenses. I am truly disgusted with the actions of our Governor! There needs to be legislation preventing overreach into peoples health!

  11. Debbie Parrott

    All vaccines for babies/children should be the parents choice and not the doctor nor the schools.
    Doctors should not reject the patient because they choose not to vaccine their children.
    There should be an easier way to reject them through the school system without having it to be so hard of a fight.

  12. Jeffrey Butler

    Throughout the past 3 years I took in as much information as I could about covid and the shots. Having injections forced upon me with losing my livelihood as a consequence for refusal was a strong motivator to MAKE SURE I was making the right choice. All along the way were events – triggers- which I felt sure would cause rational people to realize these shots were horribly dangerous and pull them from the market. I watched VAERS numbers climb thinking “surely a product that is killing so many will be stopped”. I wondered how many deaths were required before removal……was 1000 deaths enough? 5000? If not that, how many have to die before sanity and reason prevail? 10,000? How many videos of young healthy athletes dropping during games would it take? And along the way I realized there is no stopping number. Pharma has a great big “Get Out of Jail” card and zero conscience. They also have tremendous power over public perception. Those such as TFVC who are able to educate and inform effectively deserve our support and thanks.

  13. Samantha Hall

    My career ended Oct. 29, 2021 because my employer demanded I get the Covid “vaccine” and I refused. Medical decisions belong to individuals, not their employers, not their governments.

  14. Debbie Branch

    I am against vaccine mandates. I will always retain my right to informed consent. Medical freedom rights need to be advanced and fully secured in the state of Texas.

  15. Anna Hammonds

    I have seen my coworkers lose their health, die, and have had close acquaintances die. Pastor of a church I used to go to was the first to die, my sister-in-law died, massive heart attack

  16. Robert Bonner

    Nuremburg protocols were adopted by civilized people for the precise reason we now push back against these mandates. People should make their own medical decisions because we are not God. Those in power make more mistakes than accomplishments. These same people who require fealty to their obsessions are at no personal risk for the mandates demanded of you. This form of disgusting tyranny remands us to the category of the uncivilized. We must demand better first of ourselves, then from those given the temporary levers of power. First, from ourselves, we must protect the next generation from a degeneration into the chaos of tyranny through personal integrity displayed at home and then in the body politic. Next, those in power need to be cut off from being able to perfect their ambitions. The powerful will not self abrogate. Term limits were never envisioned by a moral body of Founders beyond the stated length of service for the various offices as defined in the Constitution. Therefore we must impose term limits on all servants of Government – even the “good” ones. when you vote for the incumbent, you ensure your serfdom.

  17. To all staff at TFVC, and all members supporting them, and all TX legislatures listening to them and voting for WE THE PEOPLE, THANK YOU!!!

  18. God bless the liver!, for without it the chemical soup resulting from digestion would enter the bloodstream without being filtered, and any and all contained foreign proteins and harmful chemicals would be sent to all the organs and tissues of the body, via the bloodstream. Because they’re injected, vaccines bypass the liver before entering the bloodstream, and that’s only one of the several primary reason that they’re fundamentally dangerous. Vaccination’s a foolish, self-destructive paradigm that can hardly be considered medical. The Covid shots, with their programming of the body to actually *produce* a foreign protein, are nothing less than obnoxious. So yeah, I signed the petition. 🙂

  19. Jill Friedman

    According to our Declaration of Independence (which is 100% justifiable), the ONLY legitimate function of any government (no matter what may or may not be written down) is to PROTECT our inherent (NATURAL) rights. Among those inherent-inalienable-rights is self defense (which includes bodily autonomy). We ALL, ALWAYS, have EVERY RIGHT to self defense. NO ONE, EVER, should be forced, coerced or in ANY way manipulated into ANY medical procedure- for ANY reason. PERIOD.
    The last few years experience with covid-19 has proven beyond any doubt that NO so called authority has ANY business deciding otherwise.

  20. Nicole Tooley

    My grandfather fought in several wars, received the Purple Heart and was even a JAG. This tyranny is not what he fought and was injured protecting this country to preserve. He fought to preserve medical freedom. There is a ton of proof coming out that we were all lied to about these vaccines and it was all for profit and never for protection, every single person in the government and medical field violated their oaths to protect The People and there will be consequences when everything comes to light, which it always does.

  21. Vicki Jackson

    Remember the GREAT Benjamin Rush, first Surgeon Attorney General, signer of the constitution.

    “Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when a group of men will organize themselves into a dictatorship, to restrict the Art of healing to one class of man, will be a Bastille to science, Despotic and UnAmerican. (checkbook science, tyranny, unAmerican.”
    The Pfizer doc have been released… I suggest you read them before you vote.. CLEAR as day… the harming /death of the people.

    The time has come for you great leaders of Texas to REALIZE, this is NOT YOUR CHOICE to make. It is MY choice. It is my body. WE are NOT a one size fits all in anything.. ARE Bodies are NOT for $$$$$Profit, just because the stroke of the pen deems it has power over you. Drop into your deeper intelligence and DO the right thing, Think of all the healthy people whom do all things right choices to take care of their body and mind, this stuff is poison in their system… those weaker souls are the ones whom bodies need to be managed or assisted, which is our god given choice. NOT a bureaucrat. I consider anyone trying to force inoculation in my body or family is a THREAT and fearing for my life. This is tyranny and goes against all rule put into place after Hitler killed so many souls. READ the laws…. follow them.. the vaccine maker should all be charged with their experiments…

  22. Cathryn,

    There is no “covid virus”. It was never isolated, photographed or identified. The government agreed hospitals could bill $4,000 for every “covid” patient they admitted, $39,000 a day for every “covid patient” admitted to ICU, and $59,000 dollars/day for every day a “covid patient” that died was on a ventilator. Conversely influenza, pneumonia, pulmonary illnesses, polluted lungs, smokers’ lungs, asbestosized lungs and any other of the above-type illnesses with comorbidity dropped to almost nil during the months that the “covid pandemic raged”. Reports of bodies lying in hallways and refrigerator trucks hauling them off were lies. A hospital ship was docked in New York. It left without seeing a “covid” case. Temporary military hospitals were set up in places like Houston. They were dismantled without seeing a patient. And the swab? Readings were arbitrarily set deliberately high to guarantee enough “positive readings” for the “covid shot”, and the man who developed the swab said it was never intended as a “virus swab”. Which is why they CDC used it so they could set whatever “shot standards” they wanted.

    Did I mention the CDC is not a government agency, but is instead a front company for BigPharna that tells the government how much of and what “vaccines” they “need for the country each year?” And the masks? Were useless and did nothing but harm the kids whose idiot schoolboards decreed “. . . they had to wear them.”

    A 20-country Association of European Pathologists were autopsying “covid patients” to certify their deaths and could find no sign of a “corona virus”, and so refused to put on their death certificates “died-of-a-covid-virus”; found instead the above listed normal annual illnesses.

    Then, morticians began finding long, odd-colored blood clots in their funeral work on covid shot patients, and sounded the alarm. The “covid shot” was the danger. It was an experimental mRNA shot injected into people who were global guinea pigs.

    The government had tried to initiate a pandemic scam before using the “swine flu” as the boogeyman, but the people told them to get out of town. When they saw they couldn’t convince enough Americans to take the shot, they sent a box from a “highly-secure” vaccine lab to give to Latvia (if memory serves) to use as a vaccine. The technician had several lab ferrets. He tested the ferrets with the “vaccine” for safety. All of his ferrets went toes-up. The alarm went out and they dumped the deliberate attempt to start a swine flu scampandemic in the trash.

    In between the “Swine” and “Corona” scamdemics were the Zika Skeeters (that the Rockefeller’s had trademarked and claimed), and the Ebola virus that mysteriously appeared and “disappeared”.

    All of which triggered the need for more planning to spend money and bribe hospitals to go along with a “corona virus scamdemic” that didn’t exist.

  23. This should be a choice. We have freedom. Whatever happen to my body my choice. This is crazy. I am a grown adult and I know what is best for me. I don’t need peoplw teling me they know what is best for me.

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