Wall of Shame _ Splendora ISD!

Does your daycare or local ISD push the “no shots, no school” narrative to try to coerce students into being vaccinated? We want to know! Districts and campuses should be giving out accurate information about what is “required” by state law for enrollment, including what an exemption is and how to obtain one. We will be highlighting offending districts and schools this year on our Wall of Shame. 

Take a look at Splendora ISD’s recent advertisement at the top of the page and see how many untrue statements about vaccinations you can find!

If you see a violation, please submit any relevant links or screenshots to [email protected]. You might just see your school highlighted in an upcoming Wall of Shame post! (All identifying information will be redacted.)

2 thoughts on “Wall of Shame _ Splendora ISD!”

  1. Before I found any laws being broke in this school flyer – here is what I DID find!
    Next to last line – types of payments – “… or Credit Cards are excepted” I think they meant accepted ? ! ?
    Excepted and accepted are opposites!

    Hope their English teacher is better than this!

  2. all have the right of informed consent to see the huge pamphlet that big pharma sends to the doctor with all the contraindicaionis for that drug.nobody should ever be forced to take a drug and they all should be shown and made to read the contraindications of drugs. maybe they dont want to introduce,nauses,or
    brain fog, or diarrhea onto their body. maybe they know their body already has weaknesses and that the proposed vaccine will harm them further.
    maybe the vaccine itself has had corrupt clinical trials as many have so that they are in fact deadly to take. its time to make the taking of any drug or vaccine entirely the decision of the person involved

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