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2023 Legislative Priorities for the 88th Session

As a reminder, Texans for Vaccine Choice exists to protect and advance informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice. Our 2023 Legislative Priorities reflect the three pillars of that mission:

Informed Consent.
Texans must be fully aware of both the benefits and risks of anything injected into their bodies. Before getting a vaccine, the patient or parent should be informed of all vaccine ingredients and possible side effects. Without informed consent, Texans are not truly making the medical decisions for themselves or their children. 

Medical Privacy.
All medical and vaccine databases should be 100% confidential. Right now, vaccine databases exist in Texas! A medical privacy bill would make the disclosure of immunization information a civil penalty in Texas. Additionally, vaccine exemption forms should not be handled by the state and instead easily accessible to everyone online to ensure identities are protected. 

Vaccine Choice – No Mandates. No Discrimination.
No one knows your individual health better than you. There should be no discrimination from government, employers, or schools based on vaccination status. We must stop all vaccine mandates and protect Texans’ right to make their own healthcare decisions. 

In the post-COVID world we are now living in, vaccine mandates, medical privacy, and individual healthcare decisions are topics high on everyone’s mind. Through strategic partnerships and a refined, data-driven approach, TFVC stands ready to capitalize on this unprecedented momentum for medical liberty. We are busy working on our bill language and strategizing with key officeholders.

As a reminder, the legislature is in session for five months, and TFVC spends thousands of hours working with legislators, testifying in committee meetings, and keeping citizens informed and engaged. It’s a lot of work, but we love it! When citizens are engaged and involved, there are limitless possibilities to what we can accomplish for medical liberty! There is no cost too high to protect vaccine choice and medical liberty, and we invite you to partner with us to pass these priorities.

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