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SB 7 by Sen. Middleton, Governor Abbott’s priority bill to end COVID vaccine mandates by private employers, will hit the House floor Wednesday morning for a full vote. It is well beyond time to end COVID tyranny in Texas, and this is one of the final hurdles we face in prohibiting vaccine discrimination. It is vital that you let our legislature know that you support SB 7 and any potential amendments that would extend its protections to more Texans.


Use our public House Directory to find contact info for your State Representative. A sample message is provided below for both your calls and emails.


Dear Representative,

I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE YES to pass SB 7 out of the House and VOTE FOR any amendments that would broaden protections to include more Texans.

Texans should never have to choose between putting food on the table for their family and violating their conscience!

Thank you,

Or use your own personal experience in your email to your Representative regarding COVID vaccine mandates.

Not sure who your State Representative is? Click here. Your State Representative is the second name on the list above the words “Texas House District X.”


  1. Dear Representative,

    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE YES to pass SB 7.Texans should never have to choose between putting food on the table for their family and violating their conscience! My body My choice! I will not inject poisons into my system and you don’t have the right to mandate me to!

    Thank you,

    1. I stand for Texas to pass SB7. We live in a free America. There should be no mandate telling a person what type of poison to put in their biody. All people should have a right to choose without losing their job or any other rights.

      Thank you.

    2. Government should NEVER be forcing its will on its people to partake in medical procedures, injections for WHATEVER reason! WE hired you
      taking advantage of the position for POWER and greed. Enough! We should never have to even get this to point of having to pass a bill in order
      eliminate these draconian, self serving, corporate bureaucracy policies that do not serve this country, state, cities or its people. Eliminate and prevent this from happening in the future!

      Diana Dowd

  2. Please don’t let Texas become CA or NY. Don’t make people choose between unemployment or an unknown deadly substance pumping through their veins

  3. Roger Biedanski

    Please vote yes to pass SB7 and any amendments that will protect our citizens from the government overreach of trying to force us to accept toxic, experimental drugs for the benefit of making the pharmaceutical companies more money regardless of the harm it causes us. No one should ever have to give up their career and health to support their needs.

  4. America’s Frontline Doctors (17,000 in number) have confirmed that the CoVid vaccines of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, etc. are bioweapons. They do NOT protect us against the CoVid 19 virus and can cause major health problems such as myocarditis, cancer, and other illnesses. Please vote to STOP the mandates.
    Thank you!

  5. This SB7 must be passed to protect the citizens of Texas from the mandatory covid 19 vaccine!!
    This is a personal choice and the government does not have any business in my health care and telling me what to do with my body, this is private information between me and my physician.

  6. I have a right to determine what I put into my body. I have the right to work without my employer forcing me to put something into my body that I do not feel is best for me. Please vote for SB 7 to keep employers from forcing employees to choose between making a living over making the best decision for their personal health.

  7. I am federally contracted as an interpreter. I was not allowuto work but I refused the COVID shot. My sister works at a Texas. Medical supply but she had to take the shot because she needed to work. Being forced is not American!

  8. Dear Representative Stucky,
    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE YES to pass SB 7 out of the House and VOTE FOR any amendments that would broaden protections to include more Texans.
    Texans should never have to choose between putting food on the table for their family and violating their conscience! I’ll be watching for your vote.

    Connie Forbes

  9. Laura Heffelfinger

    Bodily autonomy is necessary to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My doctor and I should be the only ones deciding what vaccines or drugs are in my best interest. It is my body and I decide what goes into it, not government. COVID mandates have caused more harm than help.

  10. How can a business, including hospitals demand an injection that is known to cause myocarditis ,other infirmities and death.

  11. All vaccine mandates should be illegal. Jobs and education should not be jeopardized by refusing medical procedures.

  12. Dear Representative,

    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE YES to pass SB 7 out of the House and VOTE FOR any amendments that would broaden protections to include more Texans.

    Texans should never have to choose between putting food on the table for their family and violating their conscience!

    Thank you!

    Becky Grisham

  13. Breck & Anne Landry

    Please vote yest for SB7. I will never take another vaccine and allow any of my family to take one. One neighbor died 1 year after getting the Madena vaccine and another neighbor is dying from Liver cancer from the vaccine.

  14. Do not demand anyone to take a vaccine. This should be an individual decision between patient and doctor, with no penalties.

  15. Ni vaccine should ever be mandated so please end the COVID jab, which technically is not vaccine. Stop it immediately and never let this happen again!

  16. Please immediately expand the special session call to include all vaccines and to protect Texas nursing students, all medical and healthcare students, all medical personnel from all vaccine mandates.
    My college aged daughter changed her plan to study nursing due to the threat of having to take the covid shot.

    Our infrastructure and lack of medical personnel up and coming during a time of shortage will prove detrimental to present and future healthcare in Texas.
    It is imperative that this barrier to healthcare be removed as soon as possible so our healthcare in Texas is not compromised as I assure you, it already has been. Let’s not fall any further from common sense into tyranny.

  17. We are a free people. I will not take any vaccine that is mandated. My body is my responsibility, not the state or government. NO FORCED VACCINES.

  18. No one should be forced to take any type of shot or medication. The government should not have their hands in someone’s Medical choices.

  19. Thanks for keeping us informed! Here’s my 2 cents!

    Enough of the ‘no jab no job’ nonsense. This is TEXAS! This IS AMERICA! Don’t trample our RIGHTS TO LIFE, L I B E R T Y, nor the pursuit of happiness, which are our GOD GIVEN, not Legislature given rights!
    Please pass SB7.– A Hispanic Texan American

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