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HB 1105 by Representative Four Price would aggressively expand the capacity of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians with regard to ordering and administering vaccines.

During the COVID pandemic, the federal government allowed pharmacists, techs, and interns to prescribe and give COVID vaccines to older children. HB 1105 seeks to make these measures permanent, but goes above and beyond by lowering the age of applicable children to three and above, younger children under certain circumstances, and including all FDA-approved vaccines. Pharmacists and their technicians are not properly trained in pediatric medicine and rarely have enough familiarity with pediatric patients to adequately recognize contraindications. 

HB 1105 is scheduled for a public hearing on Monday, April 17 in the House Committee on Public Health. Make your voice heard by contacting members of this committee and let them know that they should vote NO on HB 1105!

1 – Email the Public Health Committee Members*

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Dear Representative,

I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE NO on passing HB 1105 out of the Public Health Committee. This bill will be heard on Monday, April 17. 

Allowing pharmacists to prescribe treatments and administer vaccines to young children, or delegate that responsibility to a pharmacy technician, would abdicate a pediatrician’s duties to persons lacking medical training specific to pediatric patients.

Thank you,

*You are welcome to copy and paste all of the emails below in the TO: field of your draft to send just one email to all committee members at one time. 

2 – Call the Public Health Committee Members:

Chairwoman Stephanie Klick: 512-463-0599
Vice-Chair Campos: 512-463-0542
Rep. Nicole Collier: 512-463-0716
Rep. Jacey Jetton: 512-463-0710
Rep. Ann Johnson: 512-463-0389
Rep. Jolanda Jones: 512-463-0524
Rep. Venton Jones: 512-463-0586
Rep. Tom Oliverson, MD: 512-463-0661
Rep. Four Price: 512-463-0470*
Rep. Reggie Smith: 512-463-0297

*Rep. Price is the bill author

Sample Message: Please VOTE NO on HB 1105 being heard in the Public Health Committee on Monday.

3 – Provide Public Comments

If you are a Texas resident, you can submit public comments that will be distributed to the committee members by using this form and selecting “HB 1105 by Price.” Please indicate “self” in the “Organization/Representing” field and use parts of the sample email above for your comments.


  1. Dear Representative,

    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE NO on passing HB 1105 out of the Public Health Committee. This bill will be heard on Monday, April 17.

    Allowing pharmacists to prescribe treatments and administer vaccines to young children, or delegate that responsibility to a pharmacy technician, would abdicate a pediatrician’s duties to persons lacking medical training specific to pediatric patients.

    Thank you
    Tate Sr.

  2. Anne Hagelstein

    PLEASE vote no to HB1105. The government continues to grow in unnecessary power. Let the people make their own decisions. We sure are closing the doors to our freedoms very quickly. Using an untested vaccine for Covid and lying to the people of the world that it’s something great is murder. Please don’t send people down a path of restrictions again. We’ve all had enough medical mandates and insurance over reach. As, well as government over reach.

    Please vote no to HB1105
    We elected you all to make good choices for the people of the state.

    Best regards,

  3. Vote NO to HB1105. We have personal physicians to take care of necessary vaccines to our children. It is the responsibility of the parents, not the government, to determine the necessity for vaccinations or the contraindications of same. We sent you there to represent us, not the government or any other agency.

  4. PLEASE vote NO to HB1105. People need make their own decisions. I don’t want someone in government who doesn’t know me making decisions about me or my children’s health. This vaccine for Covid hasn’t had a long enough testing period and the proof is what is SUDDENLY happening to healthy and athletic young ppl who have had the jab and others who are dying suddenly. Enough is enough with the medical mandates and government over reach.

    I am asking you to vote NO to HB1105.

    Thank you & Blessings

  5. Whatever happened to “my body, my choice,” or does that only apply to women who want to murder their children? Forcing someone to take a vaccine should a criminal offense.

  6. Please vote NO to HB1105. People need make their Own decisions. I don’t want someone in government who doesn’t know me making decisions about me or any children or adult’s health. This vaccine for Covid hasn’t had a long enough testing period prior to usage and we are seeing the complications. Remember the Alamo… Remember Rick Perry’s loss due to pushing Gardisil on teenage girls the death and damage took a toll on his political career.

  7. Done. I believe this bill applies to all — not just children (pediatrics, as stated in sample message).

    Dear Representative,

    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE NO on passing HB 1105 out of the Public Health Committee. This bill will be heard on Monday, April 17.

    Allowing pharmacists to prescribe treatments and administer vaccines, or delegate that responsibility to a pharmacy technician, would abdicate a physician’s duties to persons lacking medical training specific to those patients, bypassing the crucial physician/patient relationship.

    Thank you.

    With kind regards,

  8. There is no excuse for forcing this vaccine on any living being without proper testing like ALL other medicines have to go thru. Kids have great immunity. This vaccine is nefarious all together. Just say NO to drugs that do not have a proven track recording of helping the problem and not causing more damage. My Brother was paralyzed from his first booster and all for a virus that has NEVER been isolated and proven to exist! Stop the insanity!

  9. Sent email To: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    Dear Representatives,
    For the sake of our children, grandchildren and future generations I am PRAYing you VOTE NO on passing HB 1105 out of the Public Health Committee. This bill will be heard on Monday, April 17.
    “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:26-28
    Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I hope you will take the time (only 6 minutes) to watch this video to see why we should not be allowing pharmacists to prescribe treatments and administer -NOT SAFE- pHARMa vAXcines to our children.–rfk-jr-on-the-safety-record-of-vaccines-and-the-meeting-trump-ordered-betw.html
    May God’s Peace and Strength be with you,
    Walking by FAITH (Full Assurance In TRUTH Healing) & PRAYing all ungodly fear (f.alse e.vidence a.ppearing r.eal) will disappear. LIGHT will outshine the darkness!

  10. Stop polluting our kids and stop taking away their Gid given rights and genders and stop taking them away from their parents and stopvtaking prenatal control of their children’s rights away.

  11. Please vote NO on HB1105. Pharmacists and techs are simply not qualified, period. This should should be a no-brainer.

  12. Debra Richardson

    Save our children. They don’t need to be vaccinated for COVID. It is more dangerous than beneficial. Our children need to be allowed to grow up am be healthy, without this jabb!

  13. Not only are Pharmacist and techs not qualified, the efficacy of vaccines should be in question for everyone; especially those with children and grandchildren. Remember all of the hype around vaccines which are supposed to support ones immune system. Well, one only has to read the contents of vaccines and the statistical results to know they are, at a minimum, suspect as to their effectiveness. Further more, the devil is in the details and I would urge everyone, especially our elected officials to consider how the pharmaceutical companies continue to have no liability in the products they put out for public consumption. If we have our medical community encouraging us to take the vaccines (even for our children and grandchildren) with knowledge that it has not only caused blood clots, nerve disfunctions, myocarditis and even death in adults. Testing was incomplete on humans because of, not time, but results that have never met expectations (80 – 90% immunity). And, even testing on animals was discontinued because the results were negative. So, if our CDC and FDA are not correct. Pharmaceutical testing is incomplete. The vaccines have experimental ingredients that have not been adequately tested. The medical community, hospitals, clinics and urgent cares are paid to provide vaccines, why are pharmacies wanting to provide vaccines. What is the motivation? Could it be monetary. Or do they just want to do it for the public good? Our elected officials know why and their support should tell us all we need to know about them and who they support if they are for such a bill.

  14. Georgia Plagens

    Vote NO on HB 1105. Vaccines are not safe for everyone. It has not been tested for long effects. It should be a choice. It’s government overreach.

  15. Vote No on HB1105. Parents should have the choice on health care – especially vaccines – for their children.

  16. I sent this message to all of the above Public Health Committee members:

    Please vote NO on HB1105.

    Pharmacists and techs are simply not qualified.

    They do not have the same education and training that a nurse or doctor has had.

    *Not knowing or understanding a patient’s medical history prior to any administration of any medication, immunization or vaccine can be a dangerous situation for the patient; especially pediatric patients.

    A Concerned Texan

  17. Dear Representative,

    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE NO on passing HB 1105 out of the Public Health Committee. This bill will be heard on Monday, April 17.

    Allowing pharmacists to prescribe treatments and administer vaccines to young children, or delegate that responsibility to a pharmacy technician, would abdicate a pediatrician’s duties to persons lacking medical training specific to pediatric patients.

    Thank you,
    Brenda North

  18. Please vote no on HB1105. This is a dangerous precedent to allow pharmacists and pharmacy techs to administer vaccines to children because they do not hold records of possible issues that the child has that would be an indicator that they should not receive the medicine that they would be injecting them to.

  19. Dear Representative,

    I am writing to you today to ask you to please VOTE NO on passing HB 1105 out of the Public Health Committee. This bill will be heard on Monday, April 17.


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