Fixed That! Opposition Confused by Exemption Legislation

From our April 13, 2018 Facebook Post:


All of us at Texans for Vaccine Choice just ❤️LOVE❤️ truth! So why not have a whole day dedicated to correcting all of the misinformation coming from the opposition? We’re calling it “Fixed That Friday”!

👉 First up, a recent post by the opposition with an outlandish mischaracterization of a piece of legislation TFVC introduced last session: HB 1124.

🙄 They seem to try to claim that our bill (which would have allowed Texans to print conscientious exemption forms from their own computers rather than require them to request them from the state) was based on the grounds that the exemption process in Texas is just TOO DIFFICULT, and point to the number of conscientious exemptions filed as proof that TFVC’s view is invalid.

🛠️ Allow us to FIX THAT.

Below on the right, you will find our “one-pager” for HB 1124. This is the exact information we gave to legislators in order to outline the problems with the current process and inform them on how our bill was the solution to these problems.
– Privacy violations
– Limitations on number of forms that can be requested
– Waste of state resources
– Children missing school

🔧 Not once was the process described as “difficult”. As you can see, our top concerns were your privacy, your ability to participate in an efficient and streamlined system, conserving the state’s precious resources, and ensuring your child’s civil right of unencumbered access to public education.

Our Solution:
“The current affidavit request process obstructs a parent’s ability to exercise their right to a vaccine exemption by placing an undue burden on them, and it also wastes State resources. Because the current statute does not require Texans to prove their religious or other deeply held beliefs to the State and explicitly provides that DSHS cannot maintain a record of who requests an affidavit, a more streamlined process is warranted. Printing blank affidavits from the DSHS website would save DSHS time and money, better protect personal information, and eliminate the risk that children would be excluded from school for days or weeks due to the request process.”

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