We Need YOU to be a MEDICAL LIBERTY Delegate to the State Conventions!

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Why Be A Delegate to Your Party’s State Convention?

The state conventions of both the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) and Texas Democrats is where the State Parties adopt their principles and core values into their Party Platform and elect Party leadership. 

Republicans: This is a critical meeting for the medical liberty movement in Texas. The RPT is the only statewide political party that specifically recognizes the fundamental principles of parental rights, conscientious objections, and vaccine choice.

Democrats: This is your opportunity to lay a strong foundation for medical liberty; currently, the Texas Democrats’ platform does not support vaccine choice as a fundamental right.

The state conventions are our opportunity to inject planks, resolutions, and priorities into the state parties’ guiding documents which protect and advance medical privacy, informed consent and vaccine choice.

Who Is Eligible to Attend a State Convention?

Anyone who is a registered voter and has either voted in a party primary or is willing to take an oath of affiliation, and has been duly elected by their local conventions (see Precinct and County/Senate District Convention details below). Reminder: you can only participate in the convention process for the party you vote for in the March 5 Primary Election.

What Is a Delegate?

Delegates are grassroots activists who participate in shaping the role, direction, and platform of the State Parties in Texas. Delegates may introduce vaccine choice resolutions and can attend the State Convention, but delegates must be chosen or elected by their respective Party of their local county or Senate District Conventions (See Step 2 below). 

When Will I Be Needed?

There are three levels of involvement where YOUR passion for medical liberty is needed. 

Step 1: Precinct Conventions: After the March 5 Primary

Attend your 2024 Precinct Convention. Precinct Conventions will be held sometime between when the polls close on Primary Election Day (March 5) and before the start of the County/Senate District Conventions on March 23. Texans for Vaccine Choice can help you determine the exact location and time of your Precinct Convention. At the Precinct Convention, you run to be a delegate to serve at the next convention (see Step 2).

The precinct conventions are generally easy and short; those present vote on delegates as well as on resolutions to be considered at both the Senate District Conventions and the State Convention. 

Step 2: County / Senate District Conventions – March 23

If you are elected to be a delegate at your precinct convention, you then attend the convention of your local county party or your Senate District Convention (we will help you find the exact details on the time and location). These conventions last one full day and consist of voting on policies and procedures for the State Convention, including medical liberty resolutions. You can also run to be a delegate to the State Convention (See Step 3).

Step 3: State Convention: Summer 2024

Republicans: The Republican Party of Texas State Convention will be in San Antonio May 23-25.

Democrats: The Texas Democrats State Convention will be in El Paso June 6-8.

As a delegate to the State Convention, you can testify before various committees on the importance of protecting and advancing medical privacy, informed consent and vaccine choice. Additionally, votes on the whole platform and on party officials also occur at the State Convention. If you choose to participate in committee hearings, you will need to plan to arrive at the state convention earlier in the week. 

Exact dates and details depend on your local Party.
Click below to indicate your interest in being a voice for medical liberty at your
Precinct, County/Senate District, and State Conventions.  
Take a look at our proposed Resolutions:
RPT Resolution
Texas Democrats Resolution

Fill out this form to receive specific dates, locations, and details on how you can be a Vaccine Choice Delegate.

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