TFVC Canceled by Eventbrite, Censored on Other Platforms

Big Tech has continued its alliance with Big Pharma in its conquest to silence those who believe in Vaccine Choice, Informed Consent, and Medical Liberty.

In the most recent attack on Medical Liberty, TFVC was canceled by the online ticketing and event service, Eventbrite. 

Eventbrite took down a TFVC event in Abilene due to the risk of us “spreading medical misinformation” after hundreds of people had registered for the event through the Eventbrite link. The glaringly obvious question: How can we get canceled for spreading misinformation at an event that hasn’t even happened yet?

The Abilene Wellness Summit, which will be hosted by the Abilene Freedom League and Taylor County Weston A. Price Chapter, is still set for April 1st. Headlining the event is Medical Liberty Champion Dr. Peter McCullough. Admission is free and you can find all the details here.

To call this a blatant attack on free speech and honest discourse regarding Medical Liberty amongst medical professionals is an understatement. Unfortunately, it’s become par for the course in this post-Covid world.

Take, for example, the instances of social media censorship we’ve experienced.

Have you typed “Texans for Vaccine Choice” in the Facebook or Instagram search bar since Covid panic began?

You’ll notice something is missing once results appear: the Texans for Vaccine Choice Facebook/Instagram page.

In fact, many of our supporters have noted that the first results are CDC pages, pages that encourage Big Pharma’s Covid shot narratives, and other “resources” that promote the very opposite of Vaccine Choice.

These examples of TFVC being canceled and blacklisted are reminders that our fight for Medical Liberty is an uphill battle that is far from over.

2 thoughts on “TFVC Canceled by Eventbrite, Censored on Other Platforms”

  1. Linda Robertson

    Well all know the censorship means that these leftist groups don’t want us spreading the truth. It’s disgusting Follow the money back to big pharmaceutical, their goal is not to heal people but the opposite.

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