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Seeking Plaintiffs for Historic Lawsuit Challenging PREP Act

Our legal partners are poised to file a critical lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of the PREP act, the law that provides for the blanket immunity and wholly lacking compensation program that is the CICP. The ultimate and possible outcome will be PREP act immunity will be struck and COVID vaccine injury compensation will be replaced with […]

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Vaccine Choice Victory: Ninth Circuit Rules Against LAUSD’s Employee Covid Vaccination Mandate

Texans for Vaccine Choice is thrilled to celebrate a landmark victory for vaccine choice and medical liberty! In a pivotal decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), California Educators for Medical Freedom, and individual plaintiffs, overturning the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD) Employee

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Excess Deaths from COVID MRNA Shots Reignite Calls for Informed Consent

A new study, featured in an article in The Telegraph, suggests that mRNA vaccines could be partly responsible for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic began. The study, conducted across 47 Western nations, found over 3 million excess deaths since 2020.  This troubling trend persisted even after vaccines and public health restrictions were

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Jordan Peterson Schools Livestreamer on COVID Policy

In a viral interview with Steven Bonnell II, also known as Destiny, an online video game live streamer who frequently incorporates political commentary into his channel, Jordan Peterson debates Bonnell on the definition of vaccines, their efficacy, and the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns. In the middle of their two-hour conversation, Destiny remarked that “none of

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Former CNN Host Calls for “9/11 Style Commission” for COVID Vaccine Injuries

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo, previously an advocate for vaccines, has undergone a notable transformation. In a recent episode of his new show, Cuomo conducted an interview with Sean Barcavage, a nurse practitioner who has personally experienced the adverse effects of vaccination. The dialogue between Cuomo and Barcavage delved into the ways in which big

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AstraZeneca Comes Clean about COVID Jab Sid Effects in UK Court

AstraZeneca finally admitted that their COVID vaccine can (and has) caused serious injuries such as blood clots by inducing Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). This admission comes amidst a class action lawsuit alleging that the vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, has resulted in death and severe injury in numerous cases. AstraZeneca’s acknowledgment of

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President Trump Pledges to Cut Funding for Schools Opposing Vaccine Choice

At a recent rally in Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump reiterated his commitment to supporting vaccine choice by promising to withhold funding from schools that attempt to enforce mandatory vaccination or masking.  During the rally, Trump voiced his opposition to policies that infringe upon individuals’ rights to make their own medical decisions. He specifically targeted

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SB 7 by Sen. Middleton would prohibit private employer COVID vaccine mandates and provide penalties for companies in violation of this legislation. This bill would achieve the Governor’s goal of ending employment discrimination based on COVID vaccination status and is up for a vote in the Senate on Thursday, October 12. If passed, it will



ACTION ALERT: SENATE HHS COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS BANNING PRIVATE COVID VACCINE MANDATES A third special legislative session began on October 9, and Governor Abbott thankfully added “prohibiting COVID-19 vaccine mandates by private employers” as a priority legislative issue. On Tuesday, October 10, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee will proactively meet to consider such


New Survey Shows Massive Difference for Mask Mandates among the Political Parties

A notable 76% of A recent survey on mask mandates showed a stark contrast in support has surfaced along party lines, reflecting the ongoing debate surrounding COVID-19 measures. Democrats voiced their support for reinstating mask mandates, according to a fresh poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports. In contrast, only one-third of Republicans, alongside 45% of respondents

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AG Paxton Discusses Holding Vaccine Manufacturers Accountable with Tucker Carlson

Throughout the years, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been relentless in his efforts to hold vaccine manufacturers accountable and stand in the gap between Texans and a tyrannical mandata-obsessed White House. His ultimate goal is to ensure everyone in the Lone Star State has a right to make their own medical decisions without coercion

AG Paxton Discusses Holding Vaccine Manufacturers Accountable with Tucker Carlson Read More »

Peter McCullough exposes the long term effects of of COVID Vaccines

In these turbulent times, it’s crucial to listen to the voices of experts who dare to question the mainstream narrative. Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading cardiologist and COVID-19 expert, has been unwavering in his pursuit of truth, even when it means challenging powerful forces. His recent warnings about mRNA vaccines and spike protein shedding have

Peter McCullough exposes the long term effects of of COVID Vaccines Read More »

Odessa Becomes the First City to Ban COVID Vaccine Mandates

In a resounding move in defense of individual medical liberty and autonomy, the City Council of Odessa, Texas, made headlines this week by prohibiting the enforcement of COVID-era style mandates and restrictions. This courageous measure has sparked hope in the hearts of those who value the right to freely make their own medical choices. It’s

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Tulsa Mayor Doubles down on Oppresive COVID Policies

In a time when the principles of medical liberty and informed consent are paramount, Tulsa’s Mayor Bynum appears to have chosen a different path. Despite mounting evidence and the growing chorus of voices questioning the efficacy and necessity of COVID-19 policies, Bynum seems determined to double down on measures that go against the very essence

Tulsa Mayor Doubles down on Oppresive COVID Policies Read More »

The White House Censored Vaccine Choice Advocates

Recently, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan criticized the White House for their involvement in the censorship of American voices. Such actions pose a grave threat to the principles of informed consent and free speech when it comes to discussing vaccines. The allegations shed light on the Biden administration’s collaboration with Big Tech companies, raising

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