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Biden doubles down on COVID Craziness while J.D. Vance fights for Medical Liberty

In case you haven’t heard, First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for COVID – 19 again. This comes after she’s received several shots and several boosters. We thought the vaccine was a full proof and effective way of stopping the spread of COVID?  Instead of using common sense and going against the debunked COVID narrative, […]

Biden doubles down on COVID Craziness while J.D. Vance fights for Medical Liberty Read More »

Representative Gene Wu Wishes COVID Related Deaths on Republicans

Tyranny squad member Gene Wu took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to suggest that he is fine with COVID related deaths, so long as they disproportionately happen to Republicans.  In his disgusting X tirade, Wu cites weak surveys alleging that “red” counties had more COViD deaths than “blue” because of a distrust in the

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Last week, we were alerted to flagrant violations of law on the part of Garland ISD, a district with over 50,000 students in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. An unnamed nurse sent out email communication to parents and staff about a “known exposure” to someone who was “test-confirmed with COVID-19”. The email informs students and staff


Dr. Joseph Ladapo Stands for Medical Liberty in Florida

Florida’s Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo, has recently sparked discussions with his strong criticism of COVID-19 mask mandates and lockdown measures, and encouraged that people consider “refusing to participate.” These remarks come as mask mandates and lockdowns continue to be debated in various parts of the country. Ladapo questioned the rationale behind re-imposing mask policies that

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s License Suspension Sparks Concern

The recent suspension of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s medical license by the State Medical Board of Ohio has ignited a heated debate about the boundaries of medical liberty, informed consent, and the right of healthcare professionals to express their opinions on COVID-19 vaccines. At the heart of the matter is Dr. Tenpenny’s response to an investigation

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s License Suspension Sparks Concern Read More »

Senator Ron Johnson is Standing up for Medical Liberty and Against HHS!

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson stands as a prominent advocate for medical liberty, taking a significant public role in upholding individual rights and transparency within the realm of healthcare. As the ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senator Johnson has undertaken a vital initiative by urging an investigation into potential breaches of federal record-keeping

Senator Ron Johnson is Standing up for Medical Liberty and Against HHS! Read More »

Sage Steele and Medical Liberty win. Disney and ESPN lose.

Sage Steele’s recent victory transcends the realm of corporate battles, embodying a resolute stand for the principle of medical liberty. As she departs from ESPN and Disney following a settlement, her journey becomes a symbol of the importance of preserving individual rights in the face of corporate constraints. Steele’s decision to challenge her employer was

Sage Steele and Medical Liberty win. Disney and ESPN lose. Read More »

Keep the pressure on Governor Abbott to ban vaccine mandates!

Thank you, Governor Abbott, for speaking with Political Director Michelle Evans this month and for committing to ending private vaccine mandates in Texas! You listened to thousands of Texans who signed the TFVC petition urging you to put medical liberty on the call for the next Special Session, and we are grateful for that! We

Keep the pressure on Governor Abbott to ban vaccine mandates! Read More »

Australian Pfizer Officials Fail to Answer Basic Question About COVID Vaccine Side Effects

Before the Australian Senate last week, two officials from Pfizer Australia failed to answer a simple yes/no question about their mRNA COVID vaccine. The two doctors panicked and scrambled during the hearing as Senator Gerard Rennick asked them repeatedly if they are aware of the mechanism by which the Pfizer vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis

Australian Pfizer Officials Fail to Answer Basic Question About COVID Vaccine Side Effects Read More »

Guest Blog: Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair by Dr. Michael Turner, M.D.

Texans for Vaccine Choice has recently been connected with Dr. Michael Turner, M.D. who was featured on The Highwire. He thought our readers would enjoy reading his thoughtful vaccine journey. Prelude The boy dreams. The dream captivates and challenges and engulfs him, drawing him forward in pursuit, while at times burdening him with more than

Guest Blog: Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair by Dr. Michael Turner, M.D. Read More »

Dr. Hotez Embarrasses Himself on Twitter Again, Suggests Everyone STILL Wear Masks

On Sunday, the infamous Dr. Peter Hotez drew thousands of critical quote tweets on Twitter after suggesting that everyone should still be wearing masks in public. Hotez said he is concerned that the success of the Barbie and Oppenheimer movies may cause a rise in Covid, and recommended to “keep up with your boosters and

Dr. Hotez Embarrasses Himself on Twitter Again, Suggests Everyone STILL Wear Masks Read More »

Jim Jordan’s Pursuit of Medical Liberty: Examining Potential Censorship

Jim Jordan, the House Judiciary Committee Chairman and renowned advocate for medical liberty, has recently taken a significant step in safeguarding individual rights. By sending letters to major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck & Co., he seeks to uncover any potential instances of censorship and protect the fundamental principles of free

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Unveiling the Origins of Covid-19: Unprecedented Media Deception Exposed

In recent developments, a substantial number of chats and emails between the authors of a crucial scientific paper published in Nature magazine has come to light. Thus, raising concerns about an unprecedented media deception surrounding the origins of Covid-19.  On March 17, 2020, Nature’s seminal paper, “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” made a significant contribution

Unveiling the Origins of Covid-19: Unprecedented Media Deception Exposed Read More »

Steve Kirsch Debunks the Medical Establishment by Contrasting it with the Amish

In recent discussions on health practices and the World Health Organization (WHO), expert panelist Steve Kirsch has put forth an intriguing argument which challenged the medical establishment. Kirsch suggests that Pennsylvania would benefit more from taking health advice from the Amish community, known for their low rates of chronic health conditions, rather than relying solely

Steve Kirsch Debunks the Medical Establishment by Contrasting it with the Amish Read More »

Aaron Rodgers Encourages Debate on Vaccine Choice

In a display of support for medical liberty and vaccine choice, New York Jets Quarterback, Aaron Rodgers shared a clip from the Joe Rogan Experience podcast on his Instagram story, featuring Dr. Peter Hotez, a strong proponent of vaccine mandates. Hotez is facing criticism for his statements on the show, where he admits to not

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CDC Data Indicates Decreased COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Against Hospitalization Over Time

According to data presented by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 15, the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine to help prevent hospitalization has declined significantly. The data, sourced from a CDC-run hospital network, suggests that the rate of those that received the vaccine who were also able to avoid a

CDC Data Indicates Decreased COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Against Hospitalization Over Time Read More »

Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi Weighs in on Vaccine Mandates

In a recent statement, Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi, a prominent voice advocating for medical liberty, shed light on a disheartening reality: individuals in Texas can still face termination for choosing not to receive the COVID vaccine.  “Right now you can still be fired in Texas for refusing a COVID vaccine,” said Rinaldi. “The Texas

Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi Weighs in on Vaccine Mandates Read More »

Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine is off our Shelves!

Johnson & Johnson announced on May 15, 2023, that it would be ending production of its COVID-19 vaccine. The company cited low demand for the vaccine as the reason for the decision.  However, we all know it was because the FDA could no longer promote big pharma’s toxic failure, as the J&J vaccine was also

Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine is off our Shelves! Read More »

STUDY: Masking Fails in Stopping the Spread

Fear mongering and lies have dictated the way many Amercians live their lives, but here are the facts: Vaccine mandates don’t work.  We’ve been saying this for years. In his research, Vitor Melo found that there is “no evidence” vaccine mandates changed individual perspective on taking the shot. The postdoctoral fellow from George Mason University

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